venting 600 watter


Active Member
question trying a new grow space. i have a 600 watt hps light with a cool tube. i hope to run my venting like this will it be good enough. i am going with a 6 inch carbon scubber to a 6 inch fan booster through my cool tube to a 6 inch can fan 400 cfm out of the room. will this be enouigh to cool the room 3 x 3 x 8.5 also do you think i will have smell issues with the carbon to the cool tube. Thank you peace


Well-Known Member
you probably don;t need the booster fan but you will need venting for the room itself, both to bring in fresh co2 and to cool the room itself


Active Member
yes actuall it is a grow bright my bad but it is the same design just a little less money. sorry just never had so much light in such a small space. also do you think 6 inch carbon enough or should i get the 8 inch carbon can



Active Member
yea i am hoping that i will create enough negative pressure to allow co2\air in through a passive vent hole. no co2 enrichment yet so venting my co2 is not too much of a worry. Working on a much smaller scale then i am used to


Well-Known Member
yea wat des said you dont need two fans for exhaust.
use the booster for intake.
6in should be enough.