Venting My Garage / Solving Heat Dilemma


Active Member
So I just started a new grow and Im using a lot more lights then I was last time, also summers coming and its just getting hotter period. I have an air conditioner in my actual tent and its keeping the tent relatively cool but its running 20 like hours a day, I want to bring that number down.

The problem is that my air-cooled lights are venting into my garage and making it super hot. I don't really want to drill big holes in my walls to vent outside but i already have little air duct things on the ceiling going outside, would a blower fan help at all just pulling air out of my garage and out the vent/duct w/e, or do they make fans specifically for that?

Any ideas/comments/solutions appreciated thanks!

Stay frosty



Active Member
I think its a common situation when you have a room inside another room. Most people vent air out and end up drawing the hot air right back in the room with the intake fan. The portable ac's work the same way. If they are sucking 85f air from your room temp, they can only drop the temp about 10 degrees. If you can't get the garage vented, seal the room. I don't air cool my hoods or use intake fans anymore. Save up and get a mini split ac and a co2 burner. Recirculate / Scrub the air with a filter and fan. A GOOD mini split is the key. I have several of them. Both single and dual zones.