Venus Fly Trap

i have some. just keep the medium moist with distilled water. its normal to see some black traps because they go dormant during winter and will regrow spring.
I've never tried the Venus fly trap
The cape sundews were a little tricky from seed but once they get growing they are super easy to grow. Almost hard to kill lol, I just fill my bottom saucer up whenever I notice it's empty.
And they love to eat the gnats
Here's a pic
Don't mind the plant I'm letting die in thecback
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I just received a pack of VFT seeds off Amazon, now I just need to know how to germinate and grow these little beauties. Anyone with experience - advice would be much appreciated!

Venus flytrap Care Basics: Grow Venus flytraps -

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From seed UR screwed pretty much. Just buy one in a tube at the box store. If you can go 2 seasons with that? You are on your way. Killed all, and many years, in cold storage due to lack of food outdoors here in fall.

Best wishes.