.:Vertical SCROG Log:. *3D Building Plans*

Vertical SCROG :: Dimensions:5'x5'x7' :: 6' Cool Tube (2k HPS)
(80) 3 Gallon Pots :: Strain:TBA :: GH Nutrients :: Soil:Pro-mix
Pump feeding :: Co2 enriched :: Internal Carbon Scrubber
Harvest Goal: 6lbs

**Animated image please wait to see frames**

Thanks for joining me again, this will be my second vertical room design. My first was an 8x8x8ft room with wood shelving and a 6ft. Cool tube. You can view that thread *here* I was hoping to harvest 6lbs but only got a little under 5. The new design should be much better and hopefully produce the 6lbs we were expecting.

So its hard to say what makes a grow room "better", my main goal is making it more "efficient". Highest yield, smallest space, shortest time, least power.

The new design will overcome the following flaws with the original design
  • Light Distance
    Plants will now grow into netting placed at an optimal distance from the cool tube so that they absorb the maximum amount of lumens
  • Shelving
    Wire shelving on chains will replace the heavy wood shelves. The shelves will be collapsible and light weight making them easy to set up and move quickly if needed. Water will drip into a simple poly plastic gutter that will allow the shelves to remain evenly horizontal.
  • Pots
    Plants vegetating will be transplanted once they reach the length it would take them to reach the netting. They are then transplanted horizontally into pots with slots cut into them for the stalk. This will almost eliminate wasted space between shelves and allows for an extra tier. Plants then grow horizontally without having to tip the pots or train the stalk to grow in an unnatural curve that also would take more time.
  • Air Filtration
    Space is tight but there is now space to incorporate a carbon scrubber within the room to keep the room odor free.
  • Access
    Even at 8ft square it was very crowded in there. The frame of the room is divided into 2 triangles that come apart. Half of the room is stationary and the other half is on wheels. Latches will keep both sides sealed together but when they come apart not only are you able to reach all points of the room but you are able to take them apart for unlimited breathing room. So if your claustrophobic… there's your solution. This also makes it very easy to swap out the grow lights to incorporate MH or maybe even LEDs. The rolling side of the room can also be swapped with other rooms which I believe maybe useful somehow.

I have 2 weeks to improve on the design before we begin construction, I appreciate any input from the growing community. I will be updating the 3D model regularly as I ad more detail and make changes. Subscribe now, this thread is sure to be long and interesting.​

Big P

Well-Known Member
damn green light your good

looks great I been eyeing your style grow and debating trying it. my prob i would have to redesign it for DWC Hyrdro

can you advise a good place to purchase a long cooltube?

Big P

Well-Known Member
so you topped out at 5lbs dry on your last damn

thats about 1.12 Grams/Watt right

and your shooting for 6 lbs

that would be 1.344

man I gotta get my Gram/Watt ratio higher, i think im at 0.75 gram/watt

im using GH nutes too. do you use any addatives with it? i use kool bloom as only addative besides some h202


Well-Known Member
looking good.. gotta love the vert design.. ill be finding out what numbers mine pulls in about a month


Well-Known Member
Doesn't really get much better than that. Nice work.

I'll be looking out for the finished product.

How will it open with so much weight though? It's hinged right? 40 3 gallon pots ea side wet are going to weigh a lot.


Well-Known Member
sorry if i missed something, how you gonna transplant into the pots with holes for the stem?? surely the plant or root structure would have to be pushed through a small hole? just wondering on how you plan on doing this... looks AMAZING tho good work

Big P said:
So you topped out at 5lbs dry on your last damn

To be exact I think we were closer to about 4.7 at the final weigh, during drying the sick person I was taking care of tried to steal about a lb but we caught him in time to convince him to bring it back. Even if he didn't give it all back I don't think it could have been more than 5lbs. We're moving now and I'll be very far away from any family I would have to take care of… woot!

I was always skeptical about the size of the room, I am sure that is the main reason we didn’t get a better harvest. At 8ftx8ft the plants were about 3 feet away from the cool tube. Making the room smaller would make it impossible to move around inside of it to handle the plants. This is why the room comes apart.

Big P said:
I'm using GH nutes too. do you use any addatives with it?

Not all at once but my full list is GH, Calmag, Liquid Karma, Superthrive, and Root, Grow & Bloom stimulants from different companies that all seem the same to me. Ive tested using other things here and there but with all the focus Ive put in the room design I think I neglect tuning the feeding.

Any suggestions?

Big P said:
can you advise a good place to purchase a long cooltube?

I had the guy at my hydro shop order one in, but you should really consider using individual single tubes and set them up together so that you can adjust the direction they point and the spacing. The 6' tubes force you to set up both bulbs pointing each other at the top and bottom of the tube. Doesn’t seem like it would matter much now but its better to have the extra control. Also if you can deal with the DIY project I heard that’s it’s a LOT cheaper to make it yourself from hurricane glass or something.

OregonMeds said:
How will it open with so much weight though? It's hinged right? 40 3 gallon pots ea side wet are going to weigh a lot.

Not hinged, the side that comes off will be completely removable. The stationary side has 8 more pots making the loose side a little lighter. But the wheels I want to buy sound like they can hold a lot of weight, if I put enough of them Im sure it wont be a problem.

Grade said:
how you gonna transplant into the pots with holes for the stem??

Once the vegging plants are tall enough to reach the cage if they were side ways I will remove it from its pot, turn it on its side and place it in the new pot side ways. The slot will be enough space for the stem, think of it like a horseshoe when it goes around the bar.
I hope this picture helps

Oh yeah, anyone have any suggestions yet? :)

Im working on designing my vegetation chamber, Wondering if I should do vertical there too or just start flat.


Well-Known Member
what can i say.... wow seems like you got it covered.. would LOVE to see this method carried out. props for the planning and prep bro


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, anyone have any suggestions yet? :)

Im working on designing my vegetation chamber, Wondering if I should do vertical there too or just start flat.
How far is the light from the screen? Ive been thinking about a vertical scrog in my cabinet. I'm doing flat right now and I think I could triple my surface area going vertical with it.

very interested, post more info.


Active Member
sorry to sound pessimistic but how on earth are you planning to deal with the humidity inside???

I did something similar to this a few years back because I got a bargain deal on like 20 150 watt HPS lamps.........so now I had 20 150 watt bulbs and ballasts......and didnt know wtf to do with it..........so I smoked some really amazing Red Devil.....then........next day while being dragged to one of those arts and crafts stores by some chick I was dating I walk by the perfect diameter glass that was part of a christmas candle setup thingy garage......u know unless shit that people find cute and buy around the holidays........I looked at the price and it was 7.99 and I saw a 50% off sign.....I said sweet grabbed a cart loaded it up with like almost every single one on the shelf......went to the checkout girl I'm with looks at me like wtf.....cashier looks at me like wtf wtf......and i just shrugged and said I'm gonna give them as gifts next year........cashier found that so cute......she pulled up a store ad......handed it to me and said why dont you use that coupon.......and it was 10 bucks off 50 dollar purchase or more.....I had 14.......so they cost me 50 bucks for 14 5inch diameter X 10 inch length candle heat resistant glass...(last i checked candles are hot as fuck.....and this was meant to have a candle burn in it =) ) so ya......I got home smoke some OG Kif......and thought these growers are such bland uncreative entities and growing is soooooooo much funner when you're pouring your creative potential into it.......so I ended up using 1 inch aluminum cuffs epoxing the glass to these cuffs and then to one another and making a small diameter opening to run wires for the 150 hps that was going to hang inside. So I ended up building this thing up to almost 78 inches tall with 7 pieces of glass and an elbow on the bottom ducted to a 6 inch inline fan........so I had a 150 watt hps every 10 inches stacked on top of one another.......so all in all I was running 1050 watts.............my box was 4.5 feet x 4.5 feet ........100 1 gallon grow bags.......and opened as two rectangular pieces (I was able to move and manage a rectangle more efficiently than a triangle =) ) and I used those "as seen on TV" moving men pads that you use to move heavy furniture ......worked like a charm and it was fucking heavy......way better than wheels.....plus ur box isnt really off the ground......well maybe by like 1/2 inch =)...........so ya after some more smoking.......I ran an assload of tests because I was going to make this a scrubbed airtight co2 enriched unit.........so what I did is since I had 18 inches till my 8 foot ceiling......i extended the box and built a chamber up there to handle the air purification dehumidification and enrichment ................everything just barely fit.........but I must say it was perfect.........I ran the fan at 75% of max capacity ......I know this because I used a watt meter and a 5 dollar dimmer.......and proceeded to put the an in 2 inch thick Styrofoam enclosure..........and it was whisper quiet.......yet the glass was soooooooooo cool that I remember having to run the fan at 50% to have the glass even barely be noticeably warm.......just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.....so temps were NEVER a prob......it ran a perfect 77 degrees in there year round.......and I used the heat to warm my home during the AM hours in the fall/winter/spring..........(I'm very environmental ....if you couldn't tell)..........but........come 5th week of flowering on the first run......I had to get another dehumidifier to handle the moisture levels........and then it was success.....I duno if my humidity issue was from the fact that there were so many plants.......but ya......the moment I read your thread ......I thought ....hmmm have they thought about humidity.......btw my yields were unreal.......my best pull was a few ounces shy of 4 lbs =)..........

hey what strain were you growing in your first vertical attempt??? and good job given our obstacles.......ive since moved on to stadium setups and I must say they are so much easier to work with and maximize yield.......oh and for veging.........i veg everything vertically.........its a no brainer!!!! in fact I still use the vegging tubes I made years back which gives the right kind of growth cause if you're going to be flowering vertically ........just makes sense to me to veg them vertically to get them used to growing and developing in that environment instead of bringing them from a flat veg garden and having to position and train and tie back and train some more.....to get it optimally used...........i wanna buy a used submarine and grow totally vertically and cylindrically in there.......that.......would be ........... bliss =)

Enjoy the exp green light..........i luv smart chicks, esp ones who cad shit out =)


Well-Known Member
paragraphs.. use them LOL

and your setup seems kinda crazy, but glad it worked out for ya.. 150w lights arent exactly the best for dense buds but hey whatever works...

i think this setup is gonna be baller
I am very sorry my friends for not updating sooner but we have had some very hard times. we were robbed AGAIN and lost a few grand along with most of our equipment and of course the plants. This has been the 3rd time this has happened but this time we have no other option besides leaving FL in search for a safer place to live. I have grown for almost 9 years and it is by far the best skill I have going for me. So in hopes that we can continue our research into vertical growing methods we are moving to California. If you live in California or have followed our threads please take a look at our website that is currently up to share our business plans and future projects with prospective investors or partners.

contact us by email at info@medicalmarijuana.co.cc

Yep that's us :)