vertical x sog factors?


so i grow vertical and i grow sog, i grow perpetually..but i have an extra octi and was thinking if i cut it in half tore out my sog table and well did sog in the mini octi well would the bend caused by the vertical factor have an adverse reaction meaning lowering yields or lack of focus on the cola..ya the only reason its going to be cut in half ha ha im a little thing 5'4 and my octi's are 9ft..i would love some input on this idea i only have a one night window to do this with out messing with my cycle two weeks from now..any constructive comments are appreciated..also the sog table works great but i could utilize more light with a vertical right now i use 2x1000hps for 50 ladies could i cut to one hps in a 6wx4t vertical space and achieve same results as i did with 2hps? 8sides time4planters high is 32 spots two ladies per planter is 64ladies in all 1000watts would that be enough watts per sq ft in a verti?


Well-Known Member
The first thing you should do is go down to your local community college and enroll in a freshmen composition class. I mean really, how do you expect anyone to understand that? Have you no pride?


bump bump...
wow i didn't realise this was a class room and i would have a teacher that feels the need to be demeaning...
also as i conduct all of this from the inconvenience of my cell phone i don't really care much if my grammar stumbles a bit, but the questions i asked are valid.. so if you feel better about yourself i am happy for you..oh and watch your step off that horse..did you understand that?


Well-Known Member
what are the demminsions of the octi? how long are the sides. that sounds like a dope setup. My only concern would be how close can you get the plants to the light, (hopefully real close) 62 plants seems like a big circle..

show us some pics of it, if you can! good luck


well it is 6' wide at the out side corners, the boxes are 1' wide so the inside is 5' wide the out side walls are1.33ft,cool tubes are 6'' so thats like 4 and a 1/2ft away from the ladies i like to veg till they are just under a ft..i usually have the tubes hanging above each other obviously but in a shortened octi i could hang them side by side if needed..that would give me my three ft gap..i think its about 4 gals of dirt per box and i have a 6wk strain, il take pics after turkey day when i grab my sawzall..thanks for the interest!


bump bump..
hmm i was thinking perhaps i could get away with one 1000hps if i threw in some cfls? but what watt cfl should i use? and would two be enough? to be honest i am trying to bump down my power if i can cut out a couple 1000watters and still achieve the same results id be one happy MaMa!