Very effective Home made extractor

So, over the weekend my extractor TT fan packed up, and as the room is 90x90x180 under a 600att light the temps will sky rocket without a extractor.

So this is what i did...
1. Used a old 2 gallon pot. turned it upside down, and cut a 4inch hole for the ducting,
2. I had a 6inch osolator far lyig spare, and just so happens it fits exactly inside the pot.
3. Fastened the fa to the pot an fastened the pot to the of of my tent
4. Put one end of the ducting inside the 4inch hole at the bottom of the pot (which is not at the top)
5. Other end of ducing out through the extraction vent.

JOBS A GOODEN !! almost as effective as my TT extractor .

All i need now is some activated carbon, line it with tights and i've got a carbon scrubber.
very happy with it, when i close the tent fully the temps get a bit high so i will need a new extractor ,
But i cnt see much harm leaving the top zips open (top of the door)


Well-Known Member
very happy with it, when i close the tent fully the temps get a bit high so i will need a new extractor ,
But i cnt see much harm leaving the top zips open (top of the door)
are you fuckin kidding me, your at LEAST going to miss out on 30% of light from just the top.

Do yourself and everyone a favor and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! xD xD

I was totallty kiddin about that 30% bs. :P :]