VERY general Q and A about Autos


Well-Known Member
I have seen a lot of questions being posted about autos and I thought maybe id type something up to explain a little bit. This is not at all a in depth analysis but just a VERY general outline and starting point to go forward. If it helps one person it did its job.

General Auto Flower Q and A

What is an Auto-Flower? Autos start flowering stage based on age and not photoperiod (Length of light exposure)
How is that possible? Along with the two well known types of cannabis there is a third branch of the family named Cannabis ruderalis These plants developed the trait of flowering with age separating itself away from the other photoperiod plants Indica and Sativa. Cannabis ruderalis itself in nature has very low thc production. This is because it resemble hemp more than the Marijuana we smoke. Those ruderalis plants are bred with well known stable photo period strains and then the auto-flowering offspring is then inbred to lock down specific traits such as potency/flavor etc. I think Autos get a bad rap from the generalization of the ruderalis heritage. Fortunately autos have gone from oddity to consistent quality harvests.

Do all autos start to flower at the same time? No some strains flower 16-20 days some wont flower till 3-4 weeks.

So how fast can i get bud?
Depending on the strain plants full life cycles (Seed to the end of flowering) can be completed in as little as 55 days all the way to 11-12 weeks (generally your bigger/super autos) Also keep in mind just like any other seeds you would buy from seed banks sometimes the estimated finishing time can be a little earlier then when the plant is truly ready. Just look for all the same traits you would find on a mature photo plant.

What size Pot should I use for my autos?
Depending on the estimated size of the plant that answer can vary. Some plants like lowryders which usually grow just one large main cola and limited side branching can thrive in a 2.5 gallon pot. Other autos that will have lots of branches and colas it is suggested 5 gallons . You should also keep in mind with limited life span reducing stress is strongly suggested so your seedling should be placed in the pot it will finish in.

Other growing factors-
Lights- I often see people asking what is the right amount of light for autos? I have scene lowryders grow very robustly under cfl’s and I have seen larger autos that harvest around 2 ounces+ under 600-1000 w HPS. Treat lighting as you would if you were choosing lights for photoperiod plants.

Can I grow these outdoors? Yes you can a lot of the auto strains were actually bred for that reason. In countries with short summers it can be hard to grow decent bud from regular plants but with the auto you can harvest in the middle of summer if you planted in the spring .

Nutrients? It is possible to set up an auto on a nute regiment. Life cycle length determines what you should do. If your plant goes from start to finish in 60 days the veg period will only be about 10-15 days so the only nutes you may be able to give are for flowering. The amount of weeks that you feed must be limited though so you still follow guidelines for flushing plants near the end of their cycle. Some people would say that the less nutes the better, it is really just on who you listen to (just like how everyones opinion on MG is that you could never grow pot in it but we have people around here who seem to have it down pretty well and harvest heavy, different strokes) Organic mixed soil such as Subcools super soil mix can do wonders and replace a regiment while providing outstanding results.

Can you top or scrog autos? Various methods have been tried and have failed and have worked. Strain can dictate how well a plant will respond to topping or scrogging. This can be decided on life cycle length and just experience with different autos and experimentation.

Basically in the end growing autos is just like growing photoperiod plants except with a smaller time span. They come into the world the same way and go out the same way. I would say experiment for yourself and see what works for you, Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
What a have seen is any light time will work, Mine flowered on 24 while bringing up seedlings then to 16/8


Active Member
my first grow was with auto flower. seeds given to me and i know its auto cause i didnt have my plants on a timer, kept the lights going 24/7 and only turn them off when i went out or just to let them recover from constant light. basically i had budded plants in with my vegging plants.

i pollinated my auto with my white widow male and got a bunch of seeds so im wondering what the outcome will be. but this was my auto that i cloned from a cola top when it started to bud. u can clone them but it halts the flower process, it grew into a full size plant too. i also find they veg and bud at the same time, like if u top them they grow new shoots that grow to a certain point. u can harvest and leave a few lower branches on, then go back and harvest again.


Well-Known Member
I'm not super up on breeding but if your plants were healthy during the seed making proccess then you will have viable seeds that will be composed of a few diverse phenos. Some might autoflower some will be a photo plant. That is if by white widow male u mean a non auto white widow. Then essentially you grow those out and narrow down the selection to autos if you desire and then keep crossing those phenos and down a product you like. Like I said though I am no expert so my word needs to be checked but I think it's general enough for a overview.

Revegging has been done a lot. Some people like it some don't. Cool expirement to cross of on the growing bucket list though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I was actually just thinking about how a lot of questions are answered here but it was buried. Glad it helped.


Well-Known Member
Concering breeding - I've found if you cross 2 stabilized autos together (I'm talking bout autos that will flower under 24/0 light cycles) you will get 100% auto progeny. At least that was my experience. Adding a photoperiod into the mix? I've tried that too. You'll get anywhere from 30-70% auto offspring. It's not too tragically difficult to turn your fav photo into an auto. Takes about 3 gens before its is more or less a stabilized auto (90% or better auto flowering).


Well-Known Member
Yes, I dont personally use coco but its still marijuana and needs the same things a regular plant would need. So if you can keep a photo alive in coco then you should be able to keep auto growing in it. Its been suggested on other threads around here as well.


okay but in the coco will u feed them nuts.. or give them the rhizotanic spray, cannaboost, pk13/14 measurement they say to use??


Well-Known Member
BUMP seeing a ton of basic questions (still working on revising the first post ill get to it eventually)


[h=2]Autoflowering cannabis[/h]
What is autoflowering cannabis?

Autoflowring cannabis basically is the third specie of the cannabis genus, which includes cannabis Sativa and cannabis Indica, this third specie is also called cannabis ruderalis.
So what does this autoflowering characteristic means? Autoflowering means that this variety of cannabis will automatically flower under almost any light, that means that ruderalis plants don’t need the 12/12 light cycle to start producing flowers and they can grow under 24 hours of light from sprout to harvest.
The Ruderalis plant is a wild variety of the cannabis Sativa and it is small bushy plant that has adapted to automatically flower and reach full maturity anywhere from 8 to 11 weeks in harsh climates and conditions. The first ruderalis plants were found in the former Soviet Union and they were some left over hemp plants that had adapted to the harsh region. Now we can see ruderalis plants all over the world and these strong plants are well adapted to the diseases and insects that surround them and they do everything to flower as soon as possible and produce flowers and seeds faster that any Sativa or Indica plant can.

Although the wild ruderalis plants contains little or non THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) breeders from all over the world have produced some amazing strains by crossbreeding these wild autoflowering strains with some of the best commercial strains and now the market is flooded with new and exciting autoflowering strains that can be ready to harvest in 60 days from seed and contain 20 to 30 % THC.
Autoflowering cannabis is becoming the next big thing in the grower’s community because it can be grown so fast, it doesn’t need the light cycle change and that eliminates the need for different growing rooms for plants that are flowering and those that are in the vegetative stage. Ruderalis it is also perfect plant for beginner growers because it is small and can be grown in small growing places and also it is a very strong plant so beginner mistakes won’t damage the plant so much.

Why choose auto flowering cannabis?
The question “why choose autoflowering cannabis strains over regular strains?” is discussed more and more and now we can find almost every commercial success strain crossbreed to have the autoflower traits in them.
So why so many people nowadays choose autoflowering cannabis strains over the regular ones?
There is not one answer to this question but there are many advantages to autoflower plants and they posses traits that regular cannabis plants just doesn’t have.

Short life cycle
The first thing why people choose “auto flower” plants over the regular ones is their short life cycle. Some “auto flower” plants can grow from seed to full maturity in under 60 days and that gives limitless possibilities to indoor and outdoor growers.
For example – if someone plants a regular strain and some auto-flowering plants, he can see that these small bushy plants are ready to harvest long before the regular strains are even starting to produce flowers and that makes them less likely to be damaged by critters, bugs and diseases.
Indoors the short turnaround of these plants can be properly exploited to have some continuous harvest setups or even “Sea of Green”.

Small size
Outdoors these dwarf plants are harder to see because of their small size and that makes them more stealth and less likely to be found by other growers, law officials, tourists or ripper gangs so they are perfect plants for stealth guerrilla grows.
Indoors the small size can be a big advantage to growers who have limited space for growing or growers who want to produce their bud stealthy. These ‘auto flower’ plants can be grown almost in any space and an empty closet or refrigerator will do just fine but it doesn’t stop there and some growers are even growing these ruderalis plants in their PC-cases and ice-boxes.

Auto-flowering trait
The advantage that characterizes all these plants is that they can automatically flower under almost any light cycle. This privilege means that indoor growers don’t need separate grow-rooms for plants that are in vegetative stage and those who are flowering. Commercial growers can even put some autoflower plants in their vegging room and get some fine bud before harvesting the big plants.
Outdoors this autoflowering privilege gives growers multiple harvests every season and it also allows cannabis to be grown in climates where regular strains wouldn’t be able to mature in time.

Breeding, producing seeds
Autoflower plants are easier to breed and produce seeds because they are small and their life cycle is short. You can get about 250 seeds from a plant that is just 7 inches (17.78 cm) tall and you can get them under two months.
Breeding can be done much faster than with regular strains, because where the regular strain takes 5 to 6 months from seed to harvest, at the same time period you can grow two auto-flower plants from start to finish and therefore make more stable hybrids faster.