Very numbie question about males !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i know that everyone one says ditch the males so they dont pollinate the females.....well what if i germinated 5 seeds of bag seed and all them bitches where males ????? i mean i can even dry the leaves out and smoke them ????? and get a tiny lil buzz????????? lemme know ur thoughts or experiences with this.... thanks



Well-Known Member
They are worthless, kill them clean your grow room with bleach and buy some feminized seeds.

Sucks but it is what it is.
ive heard that males do have thc in them but its a way lower amount then a female i jus didnt know if it would be worth the time to maybe let the leaves dry out crush em up real fine and maybe i could at least catch a buzz??????


Well-Known Member
The best thing you can do with the leaves are juice them for health purposes. Males produce no buds.
well i jus dried some male leaves out in the oven untill they were extra krispy ......then crushed them up into shake.....toook a couple rips off the bong and it did the trick for me .....u do have to smoke a lot more