very serious problem, another grow and plants look stunted :(


Active Member
Hi ,

I am really worried as I have been growing many times so far without any major problems, at least all my plants managed to grow very well till flowering . but recently what happend is...
I bought seeds from very good seed bank ....all plants germinated amazingly fast , and suddenly the growth is very very slow... leafs wont develop, so i took it as a breeder fault, that maybe seeds were somehow not the best quality. I switched off the lights and pulled them out and there barely roots developed ....
We thought ok we will try again... we bought from another seed bank and the same problem... plants look exactly teh same in 14 days of veg . the strain is different. All 7 plants stretch verticaly but the foliage growth is incredibly poor :( I dont know whats wrong. Temperature is 24-28, humidity high, fresh air flow , soil- here I am suspicious a bit- it is batmix light mix - but my last grow with 3 different strains went on very well . Another factor- water.... I left them with my partner for 10 days and when I came back they were really dry.... could they therefore be stunted? please help me here, I lost my mind.... what seems to be the problem?? water schedule ? too rarely? or soil? I would appreciaty any tips....

fs psyco

you should state what you are using for lighting ventilation nutes or watering schedule so the smarter growers can help you

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yuppers,,,Dr. Skunk is correct on that.......14 days is nothing! I hatch most beans in 24hrs. They have split the shell and have a short "tap root" usually bending back around the shell.
I put them "root pointing down" into my rooting media. With proper lighting, (4 bulb 4ft T5 bank over a domed seed starter) I have rooted kids in around 21 days plus or minus a few depending on breed. At this point they go in my favorite soil mix in dixie cups till roots begin to coil around bottom of the cup (around 14 more days) at that time they go into their final pot and the true vegging begins as the roots fill that pot....

So then,,,,just be patient and all good things WILL come!!!!

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I stuck some baby clones, that were in rock wool, into the ground and almost replaced them a couple times because they weren't showing any signs of growth, although they weren't dying. Finally after 2 1/2wks they took hold and the growth kicked in fast. I guess it takes awhile for seedlings and babies to root.


Active Member
Hey, thanks for all replies... I use 400HPS, as I said my partner dried them out when I was away.They got very little water and the soil was dry. I try to water them when I can feel the soil lacks moisture. 14 in my last successful grow after 2 weeks from germinating plants were really showing signs of development, with a solid root system. My last 2 grows show the same signs ... small leafs, nothing visually changes. I dont use nuts yet. I use plagron batmix which is fertilized and you can manage without nuts for a long time into veg ...