Virgin Grow 600w hps


Active Member
Hi all, been lurking around the forums a while now and thought i mite make my first post.

Unfortunately I can't get clones so planted some bagseed in some peat pellets and watered with ph adjusted water.

Picture attached, these are 4 - 5 days old, i've had them sitting on a sunny window ledge, i went and bought a 42w cfl but haven't hooked it up to date.

How long until i should put in a pot, secondly;

How long until i can put under the 600w hps, from the reading i've done it seems to me the best mix is 20% perlite, 75% soil and 5% vermiculite.

From what i've read also people dont use nutes until about 3 weeks??



Well-Known Member
put them in soil now and they're elongating because you need more light closer. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
veg you want a MH light..but i guess if hps is all you have then go for can use it whenever you want


Well-Known Member
Put them in pots now. Make sure to bury most of the stem. Keep them under the less intense light for at least one week before moving them over to the 600. When you do move them over, make sure the light isn't too low, you'll burn them. Three weeks is fine without nutrients, after that, they'll want them. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I use a mixture of 80% compost with no added feed and 20% perlite sometimes i add a tad of peat but i always get the one's with no added feed i like to know what's going in to my plant's this mean's that you are in total control also buy the best of compost and peat that you can afford that way you know there is not gonna be no bad things in it.I always buy the one's that have been inside a shop not outside if there is a tear in the bag there is lesschance of any insect life been inside if it's been inside.I also put my clone's in for a few hours to start say 4 then back under cfl's after about aweek when plant's are about4/5 ince i would put them under the 600hps then make sure temp is bang on and good air circleation.BANG YOU HAVE CRACKED IT.


Active Member
Well time to update this :D
Im now using 3 x 65w 6500 cfls, 2 for seedlings and one for the baby who has some serious nute burn. (yes i shouldnt have done it but i couldnt help myself).
Now theyre just getting ph adjusted water of about 6 every 3 days or so.
The big one is about 3.5 weeks old now and the seedlings only a couple days.

Should i just be using water or do you advise to add a 1/4 teaspoon of thrive per litre for the bigger one?
temp is between 20 - 25 degrees C

The big one is in a soil/perlite/vermiculite mix of 40/50/10 and im gonna try and grow the seedlings in a 50/50 mix of perlite and vermiculite and i started them in rockwool, opposed to a peat pellet which the other one is. It suffered a bit of shock when i transplanted it :( Know what sort it is or too early?

