VIVOSUN survey - your opinion matters to us

VIVOSUN Official

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Hi farmers,

Are you an indoor grower?
How long have you been growing indoors?
What kind of growing products do you want?
In order to provide our customers with better products.
We hope you can fill out the survey form: VIVOSUN survey - your opinion matters to us
And then we will also select FIVE answers to send our gift box.

Waiting for your answers.


I've been growing indoors and outdoors on and off for over 20 years.

My opinion: Hydroponic growth has been the most amazing way for me to watch plants grow, whether in a greenhouse, indoors, or even on wheels!

I love to build custom hydro grow systems of all kinds, so always looking for the good deals on various fittings, tubing, containers, grommets, and bulkheads, etc.

PS: I already know there will be many more answers related to adding more cannabis specific products to your storefronts here. So, I would like to request that you guys look more into microgreen grow supplies. As in, 2'x4' rack trays, 10x20 flats (w&w\o holes, mesh bottoms), and things of that nature.

I am a novice grower and it's really not worth listing my years of experience. I can say I have a few handfuls of grows under belt. I am looking for anything to help automate my grow at a affordable price.
  1. Wifi and Bluetooth capable exhaust fan with programmable settings.
  2. Irrigation system that is easy to operate and monitor.
  3. Oscillating fan that can be automated
  4. light that is capable of giving an accurate par reading and can be adjusted remotely.
  5. Better smell scrubbing tech that is affordable and effective.
Thanks for asking my opinion.
Survey Completed,
Are you an indoor grower? yes
How long have you been growing indoors? indoor this is my second
What kind of growing products do you want? i like to test all but at this time some sort of automated watering or hydro

Indoor grower? Yes
Length? 15+ yrs
Types of products? I'm interested in high value for my money. Great performance for a competitive price is all I can ask.

Survey completed! Thanks for asking our opinions and for a chance at the gift box. Good luck everyone!
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