Volcano poo into hash oil? Best method

I was told by a friend that you can make hash oil out of volcano poo using a stainless steele turkey baster and butane. Is this a good method or are the better.


Active Member
dont even bother,, with the trace amounts of thc left in the vaped bud, you'd have to use a shitload of weed and butane to get a fair amount of oil. and the butane itself gets expensive. your better off saving your vaped weed and making butter out of it with the crockpot method.


Well-Known Member
I vote on NOT trying this. It is going to taste ultra gross and mikeb is right it is such a trace amount it's not worth it.
I took that into account so now i change it after it has been vaped twice. It still looks pretty green. I have accumulated roughly 2lbs of the "poo" and I am now deciding what to do with it. Suggestions please. I generally prefer smoking to baked goods but all suggestions are encouraged. I would really like to get some type of hash oil, iso. etc.. Anything really that is high concentrate in thc.