Voltage, Generator Help.. professional help needed


Hello everyone its me again, thanks for viewing here's my set up or how I would like it, here it goes..

I want to run my 1000watt 120v system but I don't want to use the home electricity anymore to cut cost so how would I go about setting up a system with a generator but I also don't want to run the generator all day either.. I have a 2500watt generator with 2 120v outlets. I was told I can use car batteries to run the system an just recharge them with the generator and run the lights on generator while you recharge, so I'm kinda lost any have any idea or is running a system like this please help thanks..
Also I understand if I connect like 10 car batter the out voltage will be like 120 - 150 or whatever the battery voltage adds up to.. example 10car batteries at 12volts each = 120 volts.. but how long will those batteries last running 1000watt bulb ok thanks sorry if I make no sense I'm on a cellphone


Active Member
Hi to do what you want will be costly,

You will need a (battery charger) or charge controller, you cannot hook up 120VAC supply to a battery bank and charge it.

Once you have a battery charger, charging the batteries, you will then need an (inverter) to convert DC voltage to AC voltage

1000Watts at 120AC = 8.33Amps per hour if you would want to run your lights for 10hours thats 10, 12VDC 120Amp hour batteries in series.

Now because batteries dont like to be discharged more then 50%, you will need to over rate the batterybank to at least twice as many Amp hours to prolong the life of the batteries.

I would recommend doing one of these 3 things.

1 use grid power
2 use the generator the full time (maybe upgrade your grow to 2000watts of equipment)
3 buy a grid connect solar system ( will eventauly pay it self off)

hope this doesnt bum you out but, i personaly feel these may be better solutions since you said you would like to cut costs


New Member
How can you save money running a generator at 2.50 to 3$ a gallon for gas? There is no economic advantage to doing this. It costs 8 to 12 cents an hour to run the light off the grid. That's ~ $1.40 for 12 hours. Can you run the generator 12 hours with a 1/2 gallon of gas? I doubt it.