Volunteers Sought for Marijuana Panel


Active Member
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is seeking applications from those interested in serving on a medical marijuana registry advisory committee.

The committee will advise the department’s executive director regarding formulation of rules required by two medical marijuana bills recently passed by the state Legislature (SB10-109 and HB10-1284).

The committee will develop recommendations regarding implementation of the laws for consideration by the department’s executive director and the state Board of Health.

The 11-member advisory committee will consist of nine members of the public and two from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

The department’s two members will be the director of the medical marijuana registry and the state’s chief medical officer (or his designee).

Public members of the committee will be selected to represent one of the following committee positions:

A patient holding a valid, active medical marijuana registration card.

A registered primary caregiver.

An owner/operator of a medical marijuana dispensary as defined in HB10-1284.

A physician holding an unrestricted, active Colorado license who recommends medical marijuana to appropriate patients.

A licensed health care worker who specializes in addiction medicine.

A licensed health care worker who specializes in chronic pain management.

A licensed health care worker who specializes in oncology.

A representative of the law enforcement community.

A Colorado district attorney or representative of the district attorney community.

Participation on the committee will require meeting at least once a month over the next 12 months and a willingness to work toward consensus.

The application can be found online at https://fs8.formsite.com/cohealth/form195405614/secure_index.html.

Completed applications must be returned by June 30. Applications may be submitted online or mailed to: Karin McGowan, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive S., Denver, CO 80246-1530

For more information, send questions via e-mail to McGowan at karin.mcgowan@state.co.us.

There are an estimated 94,000 people who have applied for inclusion on the medical marijuana registry this year.

Of that total, 70,000 applications await processing, and applicants have not yet received their registry cards.

The state health department is seeking help to eliminate the backlog within the next six months.

News Forum: rollitup.org
Source: The Pueblo Chieftain
Contact: The Pueblo Chieftain
Copyright: 2010, The Pueblo Chieftain
Website: http://www.chieftain.com/news/local/article_f7d23a44-78fd-11df-8005-001cc4c002e0.html