

Well-Known Member
:spew:Does it up your trip?

When I take mushrooms sometimes about an and hour to two hours in I puke from the amount I ate or bubble guts and heart burn not allways just some times , but after I puke I seem to trip way harder making the trip more enjoyable and crazy. does this happen to any one else on any drug you weree tripping on?


Well-Known Member
I must say the most wonderful regurgitation I've experienced was my first mescaline journey. I could have stood ten feet away from the bowl with that projectile vomit I tell you! After the pipes were cleaned out is when the trip really began.


Well-Known Member
Oh, no, with mescaline its very good, they call it la purga, the purge, getting rid of all your bad ju ju, like an enema for the upper half.
Allthough if you are a lifetime alcoholic it may be a bad idea as you can vomit yourself to death.


Well-Known Member
um i think u may be spewing up ur shrooms decreasing ur trip, maybe the uncomfortable feeling in ur stomach sidewinds the trip and once u puke u lose the stomach pains and enjoy the trip more, idt puking can increase ur tripping but it can make u feel better while tripping


Well-Known Member
Ugghh,,,I hate pucking after eating shrooms,,,but after you do you start tripn' like crazy. I have found that the fresher they are the less quizzy feeling I get,,,once they get older they are really hard to stomach but you spill and tripp.


Well-Known Member
um i think u may be spewing up ur shrooms decreasing ur trip, maybe the uncomfortable feeling in ur stomach sidewinds the trip and once u puke u lose the stomach pains and enjoy the trip more, idt puking can increase ur tripping but it can make u feel better while tripping
I think after two hours all of the magic has been absorbed already. And I don't think puking actually increases any trip, but there is a strange phenomenon, IME anyway, where after a good vomit the trip can really take off. Most likely psychological, you're right.


Well-Known Member
I think after two hours all of the magic has been absorbed already. And I don't think puking actually increases any trip, but there is a strange phenomenon, IME anyway, where after a good vomit the trip can really take off. Most likely psychological, you're right.
Took around 6.5 grams 3weeks ago, eventually puked and was sitting on the stoop gazing at a bright almost full moon (it was an awesome clear night out) was having a blast tho tripping balls still, so maybe i can kinda relate to that phenomenom. man shrooms are nice, im actually trying to grab some tonight as it seems like a great day :)


Well-Known Member
i have had nasuea and vomiting occasionally messing with mushies. its never been that big of a deal to me to throw up while tripping cause i know when im done its gonna be awesome. like the great Hunter Thompson use to say, Buy the ticket, Take the ride.


Well-Known Member
lol, I've had explosive vomiting and diarea at the same ti,e for 6 hours after eating contaminated shrooms.
Was fucking horrible.


Well-Known Member
I've smoked opium and never thrown up but if you smoke to much it could happen,

I have also thrown up on mdma and yeah it really kicks up the roll, when I vomit on mushrooms rarley do the shrooms actually come out just like orange juice and stuff haha and im prety sure two hours with 6- 8 grams of shrooms in your stomach you'll trip regardless if you throw them all up or keep em all down lol maybe it is just in my head but man the trips allways seem way more intense after I vomit


Well-Known Member
I wasn't by choice really. I planned on just an eighth but then someone came w a qp and was handing out handfuls of caps... How could I resist


Well-Known Member
When I tried hbwr at a big dose, I had to throw up alot after about an hour. It felt really good though after because all I was thinking about was puking, instead of opening my mind and letting the acid take me away.