Vortex Based Mathematics (warning, you will never look at the world the same)


Well-Known Member
This is perhaps one of the greatest discoveries in mathematics in recent history. This thread is meant to supplement my other thread about increased growth rate. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but the path of least resistance forms a spiral helical pattern, hence a vortex, be it a tornado, hurricane, even black holes. We tend to think of the world and the things in it as linear, but in fact they follow a fractal type pattern. Fractals appear at first as chaos but they are perfectly ordered on an infinite scale both forwards and backwards. Examples of fractals include all coastlines, seashells, trees, sunflowers, snowflakes, nerve structures, leaves, the list goes on and on. By creating a vortex, you can put a candle out across the room with a puff of air. The key is that a vortex ring sucks in its own wake, the most efficient path of travel possible, think smoke ring.

This mathematics is so groundbreaking, it is already changing the world. It ties in the work of Viktor Shauberger, zero point energy, and anti-gravity. Marko Rodin is the genius who has blessed the world with his knowledge. The electromagnetic coil he has built has successfully created a magnetic mono-pole. From the moment I stumbled across this work, my life has never been the same, neither will yours. We are standing upon the verge of the greatest leap in technology in the history of the world. I will let the master himself explain far better than I ever could, enjoy!



Well-Known Member
This is perhaps one of the greatest discoveries in mathematics in recent history. This thread is meant to supplement my other thread about increased growth rate. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but the path of least resistance forms a spiral helical pattern, hence a vortex, be it a tornado, hurricane, even black holes. We tend to think of the world and the things in it as linear, but in fact they follow a fractal type pattern. Fractals appear at first as chaos but they are perfectly ordered on an infinite scale both forwards and backwards. Examples of fractals include all coastlines, seashells, trees, sunflowers, snowflakes, nerve structures, leaves, the list goes on and on. By creating a vortex, you can put a candle out across the room with a puff of air. The key is that a vortex ring sucks in its own wake, the most efficient path of travel possible, think smoke ring.

This mathematics is so groundbreaking, it is already changing the world. It ties in the work of Viktor Shauberger, zero point energy, and anti-gravity. Marko Rodin is the genius who has blessed the world with his knowledge. The electromagnetic coil he has built has successfully created a magnetic mono-pole. From the moment I stumbled across this work, my life has never been the same, neither will yours. We are standing upon the verge of the greatest leap in technology in the history of the world. I will let the master himself explain far better than I ever could, enjoy!

Yeah, i remember that back when I saw the movie Pi...


Well-Known Member
There was this kid in my calculus class that was challenged with a problem so tough we went into a seizure...


Well-Known Member
That's the beauty of this math, zero is the center of the vortex. It goes in and then it wraps in upon itself. When you try to divide by zero with conventional math, it cannot penetrate the center of the vortex, hence this system. Look at an apple, its dented in by the stem and also on the bottom. If you trace the path, converges inwards and then it separates only to repeat the cycle. This math is simply a door that we can use to saucer craft, which operate by warping the gravity field. We all know that magnetism and electricity are directly related, there is a good chance that local space time can be bent and manipulated as well. Fuel cells? haha, why not split H2O into hydrogen and oxygen in a plasma state, further split them into subatomic particles, fuse them into helium at the point of use. A vortex would both separate those particles by atomic weight like a centrifuge while simultaneously using a magnetic vortex to both pull them in and fuse them together. Ladies and gentlemen, we are closer to this technology than we think, that's right, we may all be cruising around in saucers in a few years :-o


Well-Known Member
Hmmm so if things expand when the get hot.......and contract when the get cold....................this explains why we have longer days in the summer and shorter days in the winter?


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About 15 years ago I worked at a small software company. One of the titles we published was called Fractal Ecstasy. You put in some values and it created infinite colorful fractal graphics. The author is a math/physics/programmer guy obviously. Yet, he was fun at parties. Go figure lol