Vsog stadium grow for $1oo


Well-Known Member
Grow number two is here,put on your party hat kids were going to wallyworld!
I have a 11 x 16 room that i was gona do sog in but do to electrical limitations i have decided to run a stadium set up and milk my 4 lights.
The wood cost me $1oo and could have been done cheaper but felt the end result was great!
I have 5 shelfs on each side,all 2x6x1o planks on a 2x4 frame
I wanted to try a full on vert grow but didnt have time or money to build so stadium it is!
I just got a new 12" fan and filter so air flow should be fine- i heard spider mites hate 12" fans!!
{mighty lord,oh mighty lord of lords please dont let those damn mites in my room,protect me from there evil 8 legged ways and i will leave a bud in a church mail box for you mighty lord!}

now that thats over with let us continue....

ventilation is getting dealt with tomorow.
Irrigation the following day,yes my goal is to automate the wonderfull world of watering.
I am running Chemdawg double d from res seed co
My goal for this room is 6lbs ,plants will only be vegged for 1 week for this round.I am running 3 or 4 1k lights with no hoods,bare bulbs!
Blagh blah blah {show me a frikin picture you mumble}
Will do good chap...will keep postin as its finished
Cheerios Hbr


Well-Known Member
Heres a shot of the in/out
The out on top is the 1O''
And the lower hole is the in 8"

Wish i had another window for in,and def cant cut any holes in walls,so this will have to do for now.

The other pic is my fan and air scrubber

shits goin up tomorow,just gotta get a few $1.5o trays
and irragation pieces{if anyone has any tips on stadium irrigation please let me know!}

Time to watch spinal tap,cheers and sharksandwichs for all! Hbr



Well-Known Member
Great vsog. How many clones did you fit under there and are those 1 gal grow bags? Did you put in a drip irrigation system?


Well-Known Member
Thnks Not sure how many,but those are 1g bags.No drip yet,soon.Any recomendations on pumps? Where can i find pumps cheap? Hbr


Active Member
Keep posting about this please! Can you take a picture of how the lights are set up? If you wanted to do irrigation...I think I'd do it drip irrigation style. There were some good segments on the Jorge Cervantes DVDs.


Active Member
You would want a large pump for that system. I use a small fish tank pump :P you'd want something a bit bigger, more pumping power. I'd just ask your local hydro shop which sizes they have because they would have all the right connector pieces too probably.

i have to say mang, beautiful room. 6lb no worries out of all that, but i'd veg for 2 weeks :D build em up a bit before you dim the lights.

what you would want to run as far as irrigation lines goes is a pipe running along the top of each row with drip spot on each plant, then bending underneath to feed excess return back to resovoir. dont know if i explained that very well but you want to make sure if your pumping too much water, then the excess can be fed back to res, or you'll drown your girls.

post a journal of this i wanna see some budsssssssssss!!!


Well-Known Member
Joe thanks for all the good info,Do you think i should use a product like bushmaster on them {they are chemdawg x sour desil which i believe is sativa} to put a halt on the stretching.There is a 2ft space imbtween btm rows.How do i start a journal?Thanks n praise Hbr


Well-Known Member
just go to journal section and basically put this in that section.

I am also going to be building pretty close to the same setup.

I would think you could just use like 1/2" PVC piping to all the pots then put some sort of filter on the end of each (dense enough to stop water from actually flowing out and just have it drip) and shove them a couple inches into the dirt. and then put a pump like from menards on it. this could be dangerous since the system would be pressurized. ???? and all connections would have to be sealed. ???? that was what i was going to try.

or i noticed on HTGsupply.com they have $50 kits that water 10 pots.

i'll be on this thread alot so let me know if you do make a journal and we can chat over there.


Willy Nilly

Active Member
Keep it up.. as I am 5 weeks out on my current crop and will be doing the same thing (Stadium). I already have every thing in place and just need to build the racks.
Question? How are you securing the end rack so that it stays vertical?
We appreciate the the thread and you sharing it with us.. thanks!


Well-Known Member
No worries,thanks for your intrest!
Well I drilled the end rack onto ceiling beams that run overhead.
They were attached with 3" L brackets uptop. The racks are 2x4 and the rack slots are all 1x4,and shelfs 2 x 6.Make sure you measure everything you get from your hardware store,i got 4 pieces that were short.I will try and start a journal today.
Thanks n Praise Hbr


Active Member
dude....great setup....im in process of doing almost the same exact thing

can u provide more pics.... lighting arrangements etc....very curious about your layout!!! props ....

how many plants r u fllowering......for how long....and what kind of yield are you expecting......


Well-Known Member
I expect 6lbs for this round possibly more.I will post more pics soon,gona work on getting a grow journal up,cheers hbr


Well-Known Member
Im itching to flip into 12/12 i have vegged for well over 2 weeks,you think i should do it
plants range from 6" to 12" in size, these are pure sativa i believe chemdawg/sourdesil cross.Opinions?!Hbr


Well-Known Member
no definitive answer here. depends on your vertical height. if you have the room veg long, large plants are bigger yielders and more resilient, but theres a point at which the plant becomes too big, also a point at which you dont want to interrupt a flow. meaning if you can veg a little but constantly shuffling plants to flower it may be better to just veg short and keep up the flow. But bigger plants to me handle problems better and produce more. but you need the height a plant flowered late could hit 6 feet