Wally's Small Stealth Box Setup

Wally’s Small DIY Stealth Box Set-Up:
**********(Rough Draft)**********

*Feel free to leave and comments, questions, advice or suggestions you may have regarding this set-up. I have never grown and never built a grow box so all of this is for the first time, hopefully I can help out a few others in the process as well…

Price: Estimated at $110-125.
Length--- 20’’
Width--- 14’’
Height ---30’’

The plan has been broken down into 4 core parts…
a.) Hardware
b.) Electrical Systems
c.) Filtration and Airflow
d.) Miscellaneous

*Please excuse my crude paint drawings but they’re all I have at the moment, until I purchase the materials and set up the box.


  1. Outside of box will be composed of plywood or OSB board. A wooden frame of the box will be constructed before nailing each piece of ply wood or OSB board to its respective ends.
  2. Before nailing the plywood to the frame, the frame will be painted with “flat-white” paint, and the interior sides of each plywood or OSB board will also be painted with “flat-white” paint. This will give the interior the ability to reflect light while not burning the plants and keeping the temperature within the box somewhat low.
  3. After the exterior of the box has been assembled the three hinges will be attached to the right side of the “door” (front facing) piece of plywood, and a locking mechanism will be attached to the left side.
  4. One 4 inch whole will be cut at the bottom right side of the box. (For the intake computer fan.) Another 4 inch hole will be cut on the top of the left side of the box. (Exhaust computer fan and carbon filter.) Four 3 inch holes will be evenly spaced and cut into the top of the box for each of the light bulb’s sockets. (4 CFL 23w or 42w bulbs.)
  5. One 2 inch hole will be cut in the top right part of the interior floor, for additional wires to be fed through.
Exterior of Box.jpg

That concludes the building and Hardware section of my plan!…….now onto Electrical Systems…

Electrical Systems:


a. 6ft. Light Duty indoor cord x 4.
b. Power strip surge protector to plug everything into. (Optional)
c. Push button socket to screw bulbs into

1. Take the indoor extension cord and simply cut off the female end (The part you plug into.)
2. Pull apart the two wires that make up the cord.
3. At the end of the cord take of some of the plastic lining so that the copper wire is the only thing that remains. (Do not do this to the entire cord, only a little bit at the end so you can screw the exposed copper wire into the bulb socket.)
4. Take the two exposed copper wire pieces and screw them into the push button bulb socket. One copper wire goes into the silver screw and the other one goes into the gold screw, it doesn’t matter which one goes where as long as the copper wires are securely screwed into the socket.
5. After the bulb sockets are secured into their respective holes, screw in each CFL and plug in each bulb socket to any outlet.
*There’s probably an easier or more efficient way to do the part above but that’s what I came up with thus far, based on my resources. Feel free to suggest a more efficient design.

Filtration and Airflow:


a. 4 inch Drain pipe drop-in gate x 2
b. 4 inch Drain pipe coupling styrene
c. 2sq. ft. of window screen material
d. Marineland Premium Activated Carbon
e. Cooler Master 80mm dual ball bearing computer fan x 2

*This was adapted from a youtube video I found on how to make your own carbon filter. Check it out here…

1. Attach the 4 inch drop in gate to the 4 inch coupling. (Should fit snug.)
2. Add a 4 inch piece of window screen material to keep the carbon from falling out of the filter.
3. Pour the activated carbon into the filter and make sure it cant shift around.
4. Add another piece of 4 inch window screen material to the filter. (Place on top of the carbon.)
5. Attach the other 4 inch drop in gate to the coupling and there you have your filter.
6. Attach the filter to the outside of the box, directly to the exhaust fan using something to support it. (Not sure about what to use to support the filter.)
7. Take the other computer fan and attach it to the 4 inch hole on the bottom right of the box. This will be the air intake fan.
8. That should make for a decent filtration and airflow system within the box.
9. *Optional: Open a can of “ona odor block” and place inside box during flowering to further reduce the odor.

Filtration and Airflow.jpg


A couple of critical items:

Thermometer and Humidity Monitor:

Ph Soil and Water Test:

I wasn't getting much feedback from the other forums so I figured I'd try it here...
Thanks rollitup community!!! 8-)
Wow nice work bro, your plants could be 6 inches tall if you just planted them while you were drawing, then they would be ready to go, ya probably did that anyway, good job. Hey not sure but the comp fan may not be strong enough to push thru a carbon filter???
I def admire all of the hard work, drawings and time that you placed in this project. That being said, I will +Rep For Craftsmanship. I will however, offer you my .02 worth, and upgrade the ph meter that you have posted. You could have over $1000 worth of work, and all for not will be wasted if your ph unit is off. Weed is forgiving to some extent, but not as much as getting a very bad reading when it comes to ph levels. These my friend, have to be within a certain range. Spend a couple of dollars more, and you will get a better sleep, and product, in the end.

Best of Luck in your Journey ~ The MaineYankee :-)