Want high yields? Here is the secert...


Well-Known Member
Alright guys and gals I always have people asking be how to yield the most possible. Well here is the the simple common sense solution. A Pine Tree grows tall and its roots run deep, while a Oak Tree grows fat and squat and its roots run wide. Now considering Pine Trees grow in different places then Oak Trees ask yourself why? It is because of the soil. Pine Trees thrive in rocky and clay soil while oaks thrive in loose soil. Why is this important? Well lets visualize the Pine tree being a Sativa and a Oak being Indica, "of course this is not true" that is why I say "visualize". The rule I have always followed is if you want a 3 ft tall plant, plant in a 3 gallon container if you want 5 ft tall plant, plant a 5 gallon and so on. This however is not always true just a good rule when dealing with smaller plants. So with this being said have you ever seen outdoor plants grow into beast? Why? It's because the roots have plenty of room to grow large, and a large plant means a large yield "not always" but its just common sense. Genetics play a huge role in this game, and you will never be able to yield 5 lbs from a auto flowering plant, it is just not going to happen..

So the next question is how do you yield 5 lbs from plant "which I have never done, but know how to".
Well first off you need to know what your doing, but even if you do not, a 1/2 lb plant is very possible. Half a lb from a plant is pretty fucking good no matter who you are that is alot of cash or personal smoke depending what your intentions are.

Well here is how you do it, and this is not always true for anybody just a good rule of thumb. It does not take a large amount of cash for stupid expensive system, for instance look at the outdoor growers.
Are they using aeroponics? NO.

So my two methods if you want to yield the most from a plant. Clones or seeds, however Clones will be a lot cheaper for my method.

First find quality genetics, something that is a hybrid of 50/50 or 60/40 to indica to sativa ratio. A prime example not the best just a good example is Jack Herer which is believed to be a 60/40 sativa to indica.

Second use what you know best. Your favorite nutes and your favorite soil, Mine is Coco Coir and General Hydroponics 3 part old school because it is cheap and extremely effective, the standard for hydroponics. True and tried.

Second and a half you can use a Soil less mix or a organic soil or a RDWC hydro system. Now let me explain real quick what RDWC it is the same as DWC "deep water
cultivation" but lets say instead of those pesky air stones and toss in sub pumps instead. A stupidly simple large producing is so simple. You start with a 5 gallon bucket and drill hundred of holes in the bottom and the sides of the bottom, your basically making a 5 gallon net pot "more holes the better". Start with a good medium that is some what light, like large chips of Coco here is a thread I started about coco if you have questions..

Now with that large 5 gallon net pot you have made throw it in a 18 or better yet 32 gallon plastic container like a ruff neck. Inside that large ruff neck container you buy yourself a 1000gph sub pump and put in there on its side. Then cut a hole a top of lid of the ruff neck "thicker is better" trash cans work awesome too. Well that hole should be big enough to fit the 5 gallon bucket in like a net pot. This a very simple RDWC system. Why is this better then DWC? It sucks air through the roots of the net pot causing a tornado like effect in the res. Not to mention it is constantly splashing water up like aeroponics. There are many of ways building a system like this but this is easy and cheap.

Second and 3/4
a medium of your choice works just as good but may take a couple weeks longer.

Ok third, Veg time is everything, honestly veg is everything. I suggest for yields as stated above, start with the best genetics possible. Do your simple training the first three weeks in a 1 gallon pot. After the three weeks transplant into a 5 gallon pot and start LST and tying down branches or my choice FIM. Once again Genetics is everything. I say a healthy 6 to 8 weeks of veg for a 1/2 pound. Not from rooted clone but instead a
established plant. That is where a lot a people get confused I don't even start to count days until after the plant starts to thrive.

Fourth after you did your transplants, keep your ph and ppm's in check in a RDWC system you can run your nutes lower then normal.
And depending on your strain you can feed most indica's more them sativa's, but once again that is up to debate.

if your strain says 8 weeks run it 10 or 11. That is the secret to pulling the highest yield possible, most breeders will lie about their flowering times, because most new growers are looking to pull as much as quick as possible. I am telling you marijuana is all about have patience, in the end your patience pays off.

Sixth keep it going, take cuts from you plant before you start flowering so you can have a batch ready for the next run. Keep it going, if you run into a spider mite infection throw your plants outside if possible and start all over from seeds or fresh "trusted clones"

This is very simple way to pull the most possible, I ask for you guys to understand this is not possible by using CLF's or LED's it is just not going to happen, so don't even dare ask me. Maybe if your a complete baller and you line your whole room in tech 5's and if your at that point you won't even read this thread.

HPS and MH are a must. I choose to mix both HPS and MH for the best results lets say if your growing four plants. You make a square with your plants at least a 600 or a 1000 above each plant, with a light hanging in vertically in the middle of the square so the plant can grow out side ways and not just up. Then rotate the plants everyday where the plants get light on the sides of the plants.

Temp plays a huge role also, I expect you to already know this. 76 in veg and 76 for the first four weeks of flower then start dropping your temps gently until you get the room in the 50's with the lights off if possible at the end of flowering time. This helps make your plants purple and removes the greeny taste made by
chlorophyll which is what makes your plants green, you get those temps low enough they taste more floral then grassy. This is not needed just my personal favorite way to grow..

Anymore info feel free to ask I am here for you.


New Member
This is more a post on how YOU grow, or want to grow, NOT what is the best way to get good yields.

I think a half pound is a realistic and good amount to shoot at for indoor grows, I average this with any strain. As for 5 pounds per plant indoors, that ain't gonna happen. Even if you veg indoors the same length of time a plant vegs outdoors, which is about 3-4 months, you will get nowhere near even half of the 5 pounds. A plant that is only going to be alive for 3-4 months TOTAL does not benefit from a pot larger then 5 gallons indoors.

Deciding on a high yielding strain is a basic and simple first choice.

And your suggestion that your style bucket system will allow one to have a larger yield over other growing styles is opinion, not fact.

LSTing is great but if you have height I don't suggest you top or fim. Just more trim work for little to zero more bud.

The long veg time is about the only thing I've seen that I agree with so far.

Again, you go back to your RDWC system as if that is the main factor for great yields.

Keeping pH in check and knowing that indicas can handle more nutes then sativas is pretty basic info.

Breeders don't lie about flowering times, those are average times. And depending on the condition of each plants trichomes, a 8 week strain can finish in 7, or even 10 weeks at full yielding potential. You mention nothing of this.

And what does a perpetual grow even have to do with getting the most yield from a single plant? Perpetual is a room setup, not a trick to big yielding plants.

One more thing I agree on with you, CFLs and LEDS will not produce great yields compared to HIDs. Although T5HOs are great for early veg.

So you are suggesting a 600 or a 1000 watt per plant with an additional vertical light in the middle. I can't argue with that other then it's a waste of electricity. One 600 or 1000 per two plants is more than adequate. One light per plant will destroy the gram per watt ratio. Great method for getting massive lumens to the plants but all that extra light will not gain enough bud to make it viable for most. But, I will admit more light will produce more bud, but the 5 pound talk, even the 2 pound talk, is ridiculous indoors.

Temp are important but you are out of range.
77 is the "perfect temp" all the way through just as 50% RH is near perfection all the way through. But plants will not produce less growth or bud at temps at or below 85. Also, you do not need to drop temps the closer you get to harvest. And dropping into the 50s has nothing to do with gaining yield and everything to do with getting the purplish hue, which is meaningless in yield and potency.

A great read into how you grow, but definitely not the secret to great yields. Peace


Well-Known Member
Well that is cool I plan on going through the post and perfecting later, I did leave some things out I understand. I did a quick proof read then posted. Let me explain something real quick if you do not believe 5 lbs from a plant is possible then I have to say sorry and respectfully your WRONG, there are cats on this site that are pulling that kind of weight with no problem, before I go any further let me send ya'll a link of the master himself. Doubleds grow


This cat pulled over 42 pounds from ten plants indoors using RDWC system 6 weeks of flower and 3 weeks of veg. Yeah that is not 5 pounds per plant but I also said 5 lbs with 8 to 10 weeks of veg and and 8 to 11 weeks of flower. So are you saying the claims bogus because they are out of your reach..

Man I am not argue with you, instead I give you REP because I didn't believe it at first either... Much love bro

This is more a post on how YOU grow, or want to grow, NOT what is the best way to get good yields.

I think a half pound is a realistic and good amount to shoot at for indoor grows, I average this with any strain. As for 5 pounds per plant indoors, that ain't gonna happen. Even if you veg indoors the same length of time a plant vegs outdoors, which is about 3-4 months, you will get nowhere near even half of the 5 pounds. A plant that is only going to be alive for 3-4 months TOTAL does not benefit from a pot larger then 5 gallons indoors.

Deciding on a high yielding strain is a basic and simple first choice.

And your suggestion that your style bucket system will allow one to have a larger yield over other growing styles is opinion, not fact.

LSTing is great but if you have height I don't suggest you top or fim. Just more trim work for little to zero more bud.

The long veg time is about the only thing I've seen that I agree with so far.

Again, you go back to your RDWC system as if that is the main factor for great yields.

Keeping pH in check and knowing that indicas can handle more nutes then sativas is pretty basic info.

Breeders don't lie about flowering times, those are average times. And depending on the condition of each plants trichomes, a 8 week strain can finish in 7, or even 10 weeks at full yielding potential. You mention nothing of this.

And what does a perpetual grow even have to do with getting the most yield from a single plant? Perpetual is a room setup, not a trick to big yielding plants.

One more thing I agree on with you, CFLs and LEDS will not produce great yields compared to HIDs. Although T5HOs are great for early veg.

So you are suggesting a 600 or a 1000 watt per plant with an additional vertical light in the middle. I can't argue with that other then it's a waste of electricity. One 600 or 1000 per two plants is more than adequate. One light per plant will destroy the gram per watt ratio. Great method for getting massive lumens to the plants but all that extra light will not gain enough bud to make it viable for most. But, I will admit more light will produce more bud, but the 5 pound talk, even the 2 pound talk, is ridiculous indoors.

Temp are important but you are out of range.
77 is the "perfect temp" all the way through just as 50% RH is near perfection all the way through. But plants will not produce less growth or bud at temps at or below 85. Also, you do not need to drop temps the closer you get to harvest. And dropping into the 50s has nothing to do with gaining yield and everything to do with getting the purplish hue, which is meaningless in yield and potency.

A great read into how you grow, but definitely not the secret to great yields. Peace


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah bro for sure 10 ounces seems exactly right for that plant.. Like I said I am not trying to argue, however I do believe you could have doubled your yield if you used 18 gallons.. Lets not even talk about what guys are pulling off those 100 gallon smart pots, where they are limited to plant count and they pulling stupid yields.. lets not be ignorant "that is not a insult to colonnuggs" if people can yield 5 lbs outside what makes you think they can not do indoors? if the conditions are perfect..

hahahahaha nice try.......lets seee....:)

heres a 5 ft tall plant... that gave me 10 ozers....in a 12 inch tappered potter.... which holds 8.5 quarts or 2.25 Gallons



Well-Known Member
i laughed the whole time i was reading this. you are a typical person that thinks they know everything about growing weed and really dont know anything. your plants look like absolute dog shit and call me a troll but anyone reading this should feel just a little bit dumber. if you really are a noob, move on, your not going to get good information from a guy like this


Well-Known Member
Lol, huh? newbie maybe, I find that kinda funny. Just so you know my first user name was Masterofgenetics and I was kicked off this site for giving free seeds away, but now with the moderators approval I am back. If you notice the sticky at the top of indoors sub forum Coco Growers Unite.. Well that is me buddy and also the Texas Growers unite thread. My brother and I are both second generation growers, so you might wanna rethink your comment.. This thread was not started to bash or argue. I started as stated my how to pull higher yields because people are always asking me. It is not as much a how to, but just simple common sense way to yield higher.

I was prepared for the flaming and can defend everything I said. People get use the same method dial it in, and stick with it. So these people become hard headed and such claims as 5 lbs per plant might seem impossible to some one that has never done it.

Now yielding 5 lbs per plant is not always the best route, but it is possible. For myself I can yield 3.5 lbs from 4x4 table no problem 2 tables and 7 pounds is fine for me.

Basically I could have said big pots equal big yields and the thread could have been done, which was my point to began with.

I didn't really start this thread for ya'll who know it all, but instead when some one ask me, I can shoot them this link..

I am not one of those growers who thinks they know it all, I am old school, my way works for me and regardless of what you say I will keep pulling in the weight:weed:

notice bro you have 550 post with a join date of oct 2010 and you have 6 green dots while I am chilling with a join date of August 2012 hum let me do the math real quick, not even a month and 9 rep dots rockin a smooth 200 post. I wonder why? Maybe it's due out of respect or maybe it's knowledge. Just ask yourself. I don't post pics of my two dobermans on my Avatar because, well I am just taking it easy like the good ol boys..:wink:

i laughed the whole time i was reading this. you are a typical person that thinks they know everything about growing weed and really dont know anything. your plants look like absolute dog shit and call me a troll but anyone reading this should feel just a little bit dumber. if you really are a noob, move on, your not going to get good information from a guy like this


Well-Known Member
Thats cool I just checked out your threads, and I have to say prove it. Man those are old ass pics. Before I bought my tables and Hydrofarm. So since your in the 600 club that means you run one 600 I run 3 1000 Hps's 1 600 Hps on a light mover and 4 400 MH's... How does your 600 even compare... Just saying.:-P

BTW plus rep but it will have to be tomorrow because I have given out to much today..

No offence but I can do what you did in 3g pots.. Just sayin. :)


Well-Known Member
I was basing my claim off the size of those plants you posted... I don't like using any more dirt than I have to. I've found 3g containers is plenty enough for me to pull a lb from 4 plants under my measly little 600 lol.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
I went from 10l pots to 30l which is like 8 gallons I think and I say it's a wise move the plants seem to thrive a lot harder and deffinite higher yeild but I put this down to the larger growth in veg

stoned cockatoo

New Member
i laughed the whole time i was reading this. you are a typical person that thinks they know everything about growing weed and really dont know anything. your plants look like absolute dog shit and call me a troll but anyone reading this should feel just a little bit dumber. if you really are a noob, move on, your not going to get good information from a guy like this
no need to be a fuck head man at least he is contributing his passion and you got the nerve to come in here and fucking laught at his shared efforts and not add anything constrictive. Do you forget the link to your grow is in your sig?
4kw of fucking horse shit you stupid asshole.
You got a big power bill so you think your pro or what? If you really had the skill you would come in here with knowledge instead of just trying to put someone who is trying to help you down you hopeless cunt I hope your grow rots you don't deserve it asshole

Hahaha first post of your journal ''this is my 4th grow" on ya pro! Go soak in some advice before you start dishing it out especially if your gonna act like a prick


Well-Known Member
it is in my sig or it should be. his post came off conceded and his plants are deficient and not healthy. and they DEFINITELY are not taking up the pot they are in so that is a waste of space and dirt. this is not a solid example of how to get a good yield and im sorry i got to call him out but this is a place for information and lets face it, this is not good information. i was done commenting here because i did come off harsh but your asking me to further go with it so i will. if those plants were even close to using up the space they are in he would be getting close to a pound per plant. those buckets are huge as fuck. i have no issue getting 4-8 ounces off 3.5 gallon containers and if your growing indoors unless your growing TREES or bushes from hell i believe that anything over a 5-7 gallon is a waste of dirt and space.


Well-Known Member
it is in my sig or it should be. his post came off conceded and his plants are deficient and not healthy. and they DEFINITELY are not taking up the pot they are in so that is a waste of space and dirt. this is not a solid example of how to get a good yield and im sorry i got to call him out but this is a place for information and lets face it, this is not good information. i was done commenting here because i did come off harsh but your asking me to further go with it so i will. if those plants were even close to using up the space they are in he would be getting close to a pound per plant. those buckets are huge as fuck. i have no issue getting 4-8 ounces off 3.5 gallon containers and if your growing indoors unless your growing TREES or bushes from hell i believe that anything over a 5-7 gallon is a waste of dirt and space.
Definitely harsh but I have to agree that the plants in the pics are not benefiting from that large of a volume of soil AT ALL. Those could've been vegged for about 3 months, under all of those 1000 watts of lights, THEN you would have some trees filling up those buckets. Those plants are like a 4 week veg, for my 600 anyways..

It's an interesting post and gives everyone something to think about, thanks for putting forth the effort. :)


Well-Known Member
If you want to give advise on growing, you should have healthy looking plants first of all...but to give advise on yield when your plants are sub par is a bit strange...


Well-Known Member
Ok I have to agree with all of ya'll, All of you are right those plants could have vegged longer and I could have yielded more. There is no doubt about that, these are old pics. I started off growing in the 3 gallon containers and still do on my tables. I yield on usual 3.5 lbs per 4x4 table that is 1568 grams per 4x4 and 2000 watts. Not quite gram per watt so improvement is needed. I use 9-3 gallon pots per 4x4 so with 9 plants that is 6.2 ounces per plant.

So lets talk tables for a second, the other night I saw table liners they are 12" tall and 4X4, I am not going do the math but it equals something like 80 gallons. Now lets say, would a table liner filled with "my choice Coco of different grades" yield more with nine plants then using 9-3 gallon pots? Nobody can argue with that. It is making your table basically into a raised bed. And a coco mat would be needed or another sub.

All I was saying is root mass equals weight.. Does anybody disagree with that?

Maybe in the first post, I might have sounded conceded, but i have to ask ya'll to read it again. Because I use comments like "not always", "That is debatable " and "others might disagree". This thread is not about what I have grown, just my collective knowledge of what I am trying.

What I stated is common sense, what yields better a 1 gallon pot or a 5 gallon pot?

That is all I was trying to say..

But haters are going to hate regardless..