want more females use a blue light


i have been useing a blue light on my seedlings and i have been getting
all females plants.try it works really good.a guy at the shop i go to told
me this and i have been useing blue light and all my plants are females..


Well-Known Member
Yeah BULLSHIT you got fem'd seeds.

There are no tricks or tips to getting females. It is predispositioned already to be what it will be.

Another bullshit gimmick to sell to those stupid enough to believe it.



Well-Known Member
You wouldn't I've gotten atleast one male in both of my grows...actually two in both and all were fem seeds


Well-Known Member
This is exactly what I was referring to as being "complete bullshit" and "false information" in my Drying & Curing article I typed up.

People like this that spread false information..

it is complete bullshit..

anyhow, just ignore this.



Well-Known Member
i have been useing a blue light on my seedlings and i have been getting
all females plants.try it works really good.a guy at the shop i go to told
me this and i have been useing blue light and all my plants are females..
Hate to be the one to bust your bubble... but a plant being female has nothing to do with lights my friend. It's genetics!!!!! Whoever told you that a blue light will turn your plants female.. should be slapped in the face. Back-handed!! No baby powder either.. just a raw back handed slap to the face.

But hey, if you believe that.. then good for you my friend. But Botany and science says genetics are responsible for rather or not your seed will be female or male.

Done with this thread.. for sure.

LMAO.. blue light.. female... no.


Well-Known Member
having a good envrionment CAN improve the chances of getting a fem.....just read some books to all the doubters, never heard of using blue before, but hey, its all about learning new ways to improve, why not give it a shot fo yourself beofre you discount that notion............IMO


have you tryed it dude.i have and it works so you can call it what you want,but i no it works.
try it and let me know how you make out,and then you can call it what you want.
later no it all...


This is exactly what I was referring to as being "complete bullshit" and "false information" in my Drying & Curing article I typed up.

People like this that spread false information..

it is complete bullshit..

anyhow, just ignore this.

i have lookd at some of your plants and looks like you need some help dude....lol...lol you call them plants omg...lol..


Misguided Angel
I also heard if you germinate the seeds while hopping on your left foot you have a better chance of getting fems! On a serious note though, it is genetics that decided what sex a plant is. Stress is what can mess with the genetics of the seed. i am not here to argue with anyone, just stating the obvious.


Misguided Angel
i have lookd at some of your plants and looks like you need some help dude....lol...lol you call them plants omg...lol..
Lets see some of your pics then smartass! ganjaluvr is a respected member on here, you are a newbie telling people to use a blue light and you will get all fems. Give your head a shake dude!