Want to get started growing but need to know a few things


Active Member
Anyone have a guide to good growing because I was thinking of starting an Outdoor grow during the winter in a cabin. The cabin is 10x20 and does not have electricity. Running a car battery/solar panels with an inverter could get some light but for how long I have no idea.

Basically I need to know what kind of climate needs to be simulated (since the temperature here gets -30 Celsius, and if this would be possible at all. Thank you : :bigjoint:


Uses the Rollitup profile
I don't know how cold minus 30 C actually is, but it sounds pretty fucking cold. Let's put it this way, if YOU need a coat to live, your plant will die.

A pot plant can live if the night temps get down to freezing, but not less.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
I would grow inside, maybe in a closet. You could buy a plug and grow 200w envirolite for under £60. Then a fan and some mylar.