want to grow outdoor need some help


I live in St. Thomas, Vi. The weed here is all poop and i am from the north so im used to real good bud. I need some help here. Cost of electricity is crazy, but im in the Carribean so its always good weather. Its about average of 90 right now. In the winter its 75-80. Im sick of shit weed. Some fire but is .5 for 20. I cant aford than and i know its rape. I need help with picking the right seed. How tall will it get. I dont want to take a hole year getting a crop 3-5 months if possible or is outside a full cycle alwass? LEt me know wat more info u need to help.


Well-Known Member
if you are growing outdoors - you're limited by the growing season.. you'll need to look around find out your light cycle - when cannabis gets 12 hours of light per day it starts flowering - (correct me if i'm wrong)
i think you would be ok just using bad seed from stuff you get - even if you use seeds from a bag of shwag you can get good weed if you take care of the plant and harvest it properly.. a lot of 'shit weed' was once great green buds i think, but along the way they were bricked-up or the like..


if you are growing outdoors - you're limited by the growing season.. you'll need to look around find out your light cycle - when cannabis gets 12 hours of light per day it starts flowering - (correct me if i'm wrong)
i think you would be ok just using bad seed from stuff you get - even if you use seeds from a bag of shwag you can get good weed if you take care of the plant and harvest it properly.. a lot of 'shit weed' was once great green buds i think, but along the way they were bricked-up or the like..
i hear u.. i grew mids down here.. i was hopin to get some dank going. im willing to buy seeds but i dont want to wast good seeds