Want To Make 100% Sure There Are Ball Before I chop


Well-Known Member
I got a bag seed Cali skunk I think there balls on it but it also looks like hairs in some spots to but I think it's male but I wanted to make 100% sure here's pic20160414_173306.jpg


Well-Known Member
How long in 12/12? If less than about 1 to 1 and a 1/2 weeks...it is very likely a male. Males show much quicker and that looks awfully suspicious. I cannot say with 100% certainty that it is or isn't male. Mostly because this is your grow and you should make the final determination.

That said, I have seen some pretty fat calyx...this is quite questionable though...If it were my plant I might let it go another day or two. I would certainly keep a very keen eye on it though...balls can form and pop very quickly. I would take a look every 6-8 hours and if no visible pistils in that time I would hack it. That is just how I would handle it.

Good Luck and Great Growz
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Well-Known Member
Is it the only plant in your garden? If it's a true hermi it can still produce some good flower, you would just have to get the seeds out after harvest. Of course if it's just a straight male then it's not much use unless you really want the pollen.

I had a plant with these:


and ended up with a bunch of this:

PICT0002 (3).JPG


Well-Known Member
My current grow I had one that I was sure would be a male. Very similar look to yours well she is now three + weeks into budding. Agreed with above do check often as that's exactly what I did until I was certain.


Well-Known Member
How long in 12/12? If less than about 1 to 1 and a 1/2 weeks...it is very likely a male. Males show much quicker and that looks awfully suspicious. I cannot say with 100% certainty that it is or isn't male. Mostly because this is your grow and you should make the final determination.

That said, I have seen some pretty fat calyx...this is quite questionable though...If it were my plant I might let it go another day or two. I would certainly keep a very keen eye on it though...balls can form and pop very quickly. I would take a look every 6-8 hours and if no visible pistils in that time I would hack it. That is just how I would handle it.

Good Luck and Great Growz
P.S. If you do chop it place a plastic garbage bag over it before chopping it....Completely remove it from the room. And just to be even more cautious and/or paranoid! I would take a shower and make sure I am totally free of cannabis pollen that may transfer back into my garden.


Well-Known Member
Its only been like 5 days and it was the last to show sex I got 4 that are fem and are under 12-12 I got 15 in veg and 11 seedlings which are in a metal cabinet with 2 cfls and the other 15 are in.a 4x4x6 1/2 tent and the one in flower are on a grow table under a t5 4 ft 6 bulb


Well-Known Member
How does that one look I tied it down to get more tops and they are doing good since I tied it Its a Hollister kush I also have a platinum cookies but it has hairs but not sure of it's a hermie or not or it's just the calyax I see I really hope I'm kinda excited to see how it turns out. Thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
If it's looking different to the other plants and has balls I would be 100% certain it's male BUT you said it sexed last which confuses me so my guess is it's hemi.


Well-Known Member
Yea I said screw it n just cut it down to make sure it wasn't a very big plant anyway but i think it was male