Wanted opinion if I did the LST correctly on this one


Active Member
hi I am a newbie and have 4 plants growing right now of granddaddy Purple. This one is about 6 inches tall and I decided to try lst for the first time on it and I just wanted everyone’s opinion on if it looks like I did it correctly or not. I know there is going to be more to it over time but just wanted to see if it is a good start. I’ve also included a before and after pics. Thanks p.s. it is almost 3 weeks old.



Well-Known Member
You did it right. just be careful when using twisty ties. Make a loose loop you don't want branches thickening and getting cut into.


Well-Known Member
That one looks like its going to be a stubby tight node gal. Long stretchy types will be a breeze once you have mastered this lol. Work it, you will figure it out along the way. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the feedback guys. I’m just so scared that I will screw something up being a newbie and all lol
You will screw up along the way, it's part of the learning process and that's ok. These plants are super resilient and can take a beating. Big factors are feeding correct doses, pH, and light.


Active Member
Update: so I read more about it and those twisty ties kind of sucked in my opinion so I looked for a better alternative and came across pipe cleaners like they used to have back in the day in school it was in the arts and crafts department at Walmart lol does this look like it has been done correctly again? Hopefully I didn’t stress them to much messing with them so much. Also my second plant was about six inches tall so I did it to her also.


Chip Green

Well-Known Member
Many growers would be appalled at the methods I employ during training.
I routinely bend, fold, crush stems to gain position.
Pencil sized stems, folded in half weeks into flowering on occasion.
I still, to this day, have yet to experience any of the "boogie man" stress that is commonly discussed.
Maybe it's luck?
Or maybe stoner, grower lore is mostly hogwash.


Well-Known Member
Many growers would be appalled at the methods I employ during training.
I routinely bend, fold, crush stems to gain position.
Pencil sized stems, folded in half weeks into flowering on occasion.
I still, to this day, have yet to experience any of the "boogie man" stress that is commonly discussed.
Maybe it's luck?
Or maybe stoner, grower lore is mostly hogwash.
Do this with bagseed and you'll get hermed in a second. Good genetics go a long way!