Wanted to introduce myself in the right place!


Active Member
I already have some posts down but wanted to introduce myself in the right thread.
  • Also wanted to introduce a little of my medical background. A few years back the passenger of a roll over accident. We were tboned leaving a traffic light by somone who ran the red light doing approx. 70 mph (very sudden and forceful impact; they were driving an suv). As a result i suffered through pain for roughly 2 years before any physicians or md's actually realized it wasnt in my head. I had surgery on my shoulder to repair cartiledge and shave my clavicle(coller bone) away from my shoulder. Since then its naturally deterierated(spell check) increasing the gap between my bone structure. I was recently diagnosed(another two years later:[ ) with Facets disease caused by accident. Your facets are basically cushions for your spinal structure when you twist and turn from what i understand thus far(not alot of time to research recently). Facets disease is degenerative unfortunately for me. To sum it up i suffer from chronic pain and severe anxiety as a result of all this. As of now i have no other options(cures) for my problems other than medical herb. It also helps with my physical therapy tremendously!! If you are reading this i appreciate you taking a couple minutes of your time to hear someone out. Anyway I have a few other conditions i could ramble on and on about but i think ive introduced the main part of me. I have a grow journal going on under the organics section. Thread is called "an expert noob" which is a joke for those of you who have yet to discover humor :) But to sum it up I have had my career, hobbies, and overall quality of life stripped from me by a selfish careless human being so now im here.

    I need as many friends and fellow growers to help me as i can get; again my grow are very important to me(im not growing to get high or sell like most) and my overall health and well being. So all of your time and effort will not be wasted, but will greatly benefit another human beings life and health.

    Thanks RIU for taking the time to read this. I hope some of you will follow my grow and share some much needed knowledge!!!!​



Active Member
oh yea also forgot to mention; this first run im doing is with bag seeds just to get my setup going good and kinks straightened out. Im currently waiting on TGA subcool seeds to arrive. So once thats harvested i will be doing reports on how good the strains are for my specific conditions and other important strain information.