wanting to know strains of all and flavoring


Well-Known Member
yes i'm new at this. i'm growing skunk #1 and so far it's growing pretty great. 8 days since it has popped out the soil, 4 leaves and another 2 are growing. no droopyness either

anyway, i'm curious as to the flavoring of strains

again i'm totally new to this as i've done this (smoke) once a while.

read that purple haze has a blackcherry liquor flavor which sounds pretty awesome so had my thoughts of getting strawberry/haze


Well-Known Member
well that i know, i'm just wanting to know if there is some site or so that has all of the info, flavoring and such


Well-Known Member
IMO, weed's like wine, 99% of people out there only care that it taste decent, but will get you drunk, 1% actually give a shit about the actual tastes and textures and whatever else they find in their wine. So I think when it comes to weed, you won't find nearly as many sites with the info you're looking for, but I'm sure they exist, people are more worried about growing stronger strains than tastier, at least all I care is that mine won't taste like shit.

But then again, that's just me.


Well-Known Member
i guess you are the one i should ask then lol. of the ones you know

i actually do care about the taste. last one i had.........did the job, but the taste was horrible


Well-Known Member
i guess you are the one i should ask then lol. of the ones you know

i actually do care about the taste. last one i had.........did the job, but the taste was horrible
Oh, it's not that I don't care what it tastes like, but as long as it doesn't taste like fired up shit :D