Was I suppose to top off mother plants?


Active Member
My plant was growing tall, so I tied them down. But if I had topped the mother plant it would have grown wider instead of taller.

Did I go wrong? My plant is 1.5 month old is it too late to top?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You can top whenever you want and it will stay shoter and wider. The FIM method works best fer making it fuller. You just cut 3/4 of the top instesd of pinching off the whole thing. FIM means fuc~ I missed!


Well-Known Member
My plant was growing tall, so I tied them down. But if I had topped the mother plant it would have grown wider instead of taller.

Did I go wrong? My plant is 1.5 month old is it too late to top?
you cant go wrong either way....... bend it down and more shoots will grow = more clones......... or cut it..... ive cut mine in half..its never too late to top a mother your not gonna flower it