was weed ever meant to be injested


Active Member
im thinking about how shrums would entise animals to eat it- by producing a feel good chemical.and i read that weed is beter absorbed throught the liver.

maybe weed was meant to be ingested and dropped of somewhere else with the added fertilizer.:spew: some species of mushroom can only spawn after going through the digestive track


Well-Known Member
I doubt it, I would have thought the toxin was to prevent animals from eating the plant. Dunno though, do wild animals actually ever eat dope?


Well-Known Member
yes birds also spread sededs by eating and shitting them out.
but really i dont understand the question.
are you high, bump?.


Well-Known Member
I doubt it, I would have thought the toxin was to prevent animals from eating the plant. Dunno though, do wild animals actually ever eat dope?
Just what toxin are you talking about? The only toxin (I'm aware of) in cannabis comes in through the smoking process. Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody has ever died of a cannabis overdose - nobody, ever!!!

El Duderino

Active Member
I eat it all the time, no shit. The first time I did was on a dare. My friend told me I could pick any bud off of one of his plants but I had to eat it. He didnt think I would so I said ok and plucked one before he could protest. I chomped it up with a swallow of beer and it foamed up in my mouth. It wasnt the tasties thing ever kinda tasted like lemon or orange peelings but I have never experienced a body high like that. It never upset my stomach, actually soothed it a bit and laft me with a citrusy tasting burp. Lol! I have eaten it in brownies several times but its nothing like eating it straight off the plant.


Well-Known Member
im thinking about how shrums would entise animals to eat it- by producing a feel good chemical.and i read that weed is beter absorbed throught the liver.

maybe weed was meant to be ingested and dropped of somewhere else with the added fertilizer.:spew: some species of mushroom can only spawn after going through the digestive track
The digested ones are the ones that we use that grow from cow patties. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
i heard thc is supposed to be like a defense mechanism, where the animals that eat it become sluggish and are more likely to become prey, from an evolutionary point of view


Well-Known Member
i heard thc is supposed to be like a defense mechanism, where the animals that eat it become sluggish and are more likely to become prey, from an evolutionary point of view
Okay so if a cheetah ate some dank,does that mean he can't run fast anymore? KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
The plants resin it what it uses as protection. But that is really to protect the seeds till they are ripe. The leaf has no real protection, Nor do the stems. Thats why they are eaten and not the bud so much. birds will eat the seed but usually off the ground after it has fallen off the plant naturally. Then they fly away and drop it by some other seeds it found and come next spring its a natural cross breading.


Well-Known Member
I eat it all the time, no shit. The first time I did was on a dare. My friend told me I could pick any bud off of one of his plants but I had to eat it. He didnt think I would so I said ok and plucked one before he could protest. I chomped it up with a swallow of beer and it foamed up in my mouth. It wasnt the tasties thing ever kinda tasted like lemon or orange peelings but I have never experienced a body high like that. It never upset my stomach, actually soothed it a bit and laft me with a citrusy tasting burp. Lol! I have eaten it in brownies several times but its nothing like eating it straight off the plant.

I hope you were joking with this story, other wise, you were a victim of the placebo effect. MJ will not get you high right off the plant, or at least not nearly as high as dried and cured herb.
The plant has to dry out to turn the THC from an acidic, non-psychoactive chemical into a a neutrally based, psychoactive form that gets you high. That fresh bud you ate didn't do shit, but your mind that knows what you are supposed to feel like when pot has been injested, took you to that place anyway.
Fresh buds barely get you high whether you smoke em or eat em. Next time he tells you to eat one, tell him sure once its dry so I can actually get high. Other wise, I hope you enjoy your placebo effect.


Well-Known Member
I also forgot to mention, the only reason that any "drug" gets us "high" is because our body has receptors for them. Our body produces cannabanoids naturally, so I would assume that god made our bodies produce/react to cannabis because he wanted us to use it. Especially considering all the conditions it treats far better than any man made substance.

El Duderino

Active Member
I hope you were joking with this story, other wise, you were a victim of the placebo effect. MJ will not get you high right off the plant, or at least not nearly as high as dried and cured herb.
The plant has to dry out to turn the THC from an acidic, non-psychoactive chemical into a a neutrally based, psychoactive form that gets you high. That fresh bud you ate didn't do shit, but your mind that knows what you are supposed to feel like when pot has been injested, took you to that place anyway.
Fresh buds barely get you high whether you smoke em or eat em. Next time he tells you to eat one, tell him sure once its dry so I can actually get high. Other wise, I hope you enjoy your placebo effect.
NO I was not joking. Call it what you will but I was High. Whether from the bud itself or just my mind playing tricks on me, I enjoyed the fuck out of it and even if it was just my mind it was worth it!

I eat brownies made with bagweed on a regular basis and I know it works. Thats the only way I can get my wife high b/c she doensnt like to smoke. She has smoked before and knows what high is and even she told me that she prefers to eat it over smoke it.


Well-Known Member
I was not refering to just eating the weed. I was talking about eating fresh weed that has not been dried or cured at all. Sure using bagweed will get you high, because you bought it dry, not wet. Cooking with herb will get you high, just not eating a nug straight off of the plant.