WATER - distilled, spring, city/well water?

The plants do not care either way as long as it contains 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. Soil on the other hand might. As a master grower I’ve tried everything imaginable and find that water quality definitely has sway over your grow but it really depends upon your growing style:
If you are growing in a hydroponic medium like coco coir or deep water culture then straight tap water containing chlorine/chloramines is fine. You want it to be sterile so bacteria does not grow. If you grow in soil but plan to use it as a hydro medium anyway by adding nutrients then it hardly matters at all what kind of water you decide on. Use whatever source you have easy access to in this case.
If you are growing in live soil and want to prolong microbial and fungal activity for as long as possible then you’ll want to use a clean water source that does not contain chloride of any kind. Spring water is ok but honestly nothing is better than rain for living soil. Rain contains macros and beneficial microbes which is why it’s best for any kind of outdoor garden. I’m sure some will argue that the presence of chloramines do not matter but I know from my own exp that unless you are regularly adding back active compost to your soil to maintain a high level of microbial activity a clean water source works best.
I grow in organic soil & water all my plants with water collected from a dehumidifier. They thrive on it; contains nothing but h2o. Has something like 13 ppms. The problem with stark water like distilled or dehuey water is that is contains no minerals and/or macro nutrients typically found in other sources. You can of course always supplement with liquid macros or amend the soil as needed to compensate for this.
My city waters decent, 7.5 out the tap ~70ppm was 6.8 and ~40ppm until recently I’m in an organic homemade potting mix though so the change was pretty much a non issue. I’ll continue to use my tap, when I change back to salts probably in peat/vermiculite amended with gypsum in the next 2 cycles I’ll adjust ph to where it’s needed. It kind of only makes sense to create the waste caused by using RO/distilled if your tap water(city or well) is particularly hard or unsafe.
I have been using hard tap water at 6.8 to 7.0 PH for roots organics potting soil. I used to use PH down and bring the water to about 6.5 but I could see no diff in plant response in this soil..............

I have tried distilled and could not see any diff so I just use it right out of the tap........... so far

used to use tap water switched to using waste water from my dehums, basically distilled water, and i cant say i notice a difference.
Nah dude the latest out there doing the rounds is Coconut Water works 100% better with Coco Coir increasing yield by 40% and Tric count 80%....... just more bro science rubbish....
Tap water - nothing wrong with it, use it on the veggies and fruit, the cows and sheep drink so do I , don't believe the chorine /chloramine rubbish out there either....
My well water is really bad like 400-500 PPM of iron, silt, who knows what else so I opted for RO filtration. I didn't want to use my tap because it's softened water and therefor will have quite a bit of salt in it.

As others have said dechlorinating water is not necessary there are guys on here that add Pool Shock to their feed water.. Pretty sure that will be a little stronger than what's coming out of the faucet.

If you want the cleanest possible water with the most predictable contents use Reverse Osmosis water.
If you want the cheapest easiest water with less predictable contents use your tap water.

Reverse Osmosis water is stripped of all minerals & micronutrients so you will want to supplement that if you're not already especially in Coco. I use BioAg TM-7 once a week with teas to replenish missing micronutrients.
My tap water clocks in at 8.3-8.7 ph and around 350 ppm. I don’t have any analysis handy, but judging by what I’ve seen come out of neighborhood houses without water softeners, it has loads of calcium.

I tote two 4.5 gallon cat litter buckets full from the outside spigot (which doesn’t pass through the water softener) and aerate it for 24 hours. Then stir in a teaspoon of citric acid powder for each bucket. Drops ph to 6.3-6.5 range.

I run SIPs with organic soil, so far no water issues. When I first started growing I was using water from the dehumidifier. Low ppm and I supplemented with cal-mag. Adjusted ph after mixing nutes. And had problem after problem. Much respect for the folks that can produce primo bud with that, but that just ain’t my area of expertise. Lol