water filter?


Active Member
i was wondering if the ordinary water filter im using is filtering out the nutrients? if it makes any difference im using a poweder nutrient with some crystals. this is my first grow and i want it to be succesful.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
that's a good question cuz i have a filter i'm using myself.. and wondering about it.. also is it cool if i have a lil pump pushing air from the bottom to the roots?? cuz the roots are always in the water


Active Member
most of the people ive posed the question to said that it shouldnt do anything...besides my plants are still growing.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well not sure how your growing but in an aero system you need a filter in the res so guess the short bus missed his stop lol. In and ebb and flow or flood drain or dwc bubbler no filter is needed.In an aero setup yp you need it to help stop misters from cloging. I dont use any dry nutes in an aero setup as they clog misters and screw your system so use only liquid nutes.Hope that helps some


Active Member
alright...i hav had the filter in my tank for about a day and the pH has returned to 7 (the origonal water). im guessing since when i pulled the filter out it looked like a light coffe inside so im guessing it collected the nutrients by adding one n two together. the fact that it was pH 7 and pretty clear was more than enough evidence for me. for anyone who had my same question, i personaly don't recomend a water filter in your res. I thought a filter would clean the water of the hydroton dust that is settles but the best thing to do is just try and your system dirt n dust free.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Guess your not running an aero system or you would be using the filter as it does catch the hydroton dust.Make sure to clean the hydroton real good before using it.If your mixing dry nutes make sure you mix them in a gallon of water and have them well dissolved before putting them in your res.Drys are just not too good for aero.Flood and drain it wont matter as nothing to clog with debris really.If you use inline filter you need 200 mesh. I have my pump in a filter bag mysel


Active Member
yeah. im using ebb and flow so i dont really need a filter...just wanted one. anyways this is my first grow and my net question is "when do i know to switch to bloom nutrients"


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Depends on the manufacturers feeding schedule chart and your growth rate.Fox Farm has thier chart availiable on thier web site with feeding schedule res change schedule and suppliments. I followed it but modified it to my grow as I only needed to veg for 2 weeks to get to 18 inch plants then I follwed thier 5th week schedule for going into 12/12. They give the light times for the amount of nutes along with the EC, PPM and ph you should be at for the specific nutes you are useing like now Im using Tiger Bloom and Big bloom at this point


Active Member
dang im guessing your yeilds are phenominal and tweeked to the highest point of dankness. all you have to do is follow the directions. hmm...man i wish i would hav spent that lil bit of extra mula for the extra help. im using a general hydroponics nutrients, "maxigro...then maxibloom" if you've heard of the brank. im not too worried about not getting bud because no matter what its going to grow n bloom with out too much work. how much is your yeild per plant (after drying)? i deff want to buy some nutrient additives for bloom...do you think that would be ok with my nutrients?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Advance Nutes are good.I have the 2 your have they come in little kinda square plastic container with bags of powder in them. I use those on my dirt grown moms and they work really well for the soil. My main setup is aero though and dry nutes just clog to much. The 3 bottle setup of Fox Farm is like $35-40 delivered for the 3 bottles.This aero setup is my newest creation and first time using it.I am shooting for 2 1/2 to 3 oz at least per plant.The same plant in ebb and flow setup my buddies use get big yield like 8-14 oz per plant but they have huge buildings they can let the plants hit 6 feet each in the tables.