Water help?


Hey guys... I am going to be atrting a DWC soon with 4 18 gallon rubbermaid tubs with 3 plants each. My grow is in the attic room of my house and there is no sink up there.

Needless to say, one of these filled with water is pretty heavy. I have been using RO water in the big jugs from Walmart for my soil grow, but I really don't want to have to go get 18 of those every time I change my water.

I am hoping to be able to just run my hose up there for filling, and I got a fishtank hose with a hand pump on it to run down to the tub to empty them. Best thing I could think of.

I guess my biggest question is whats gonna be the best way to work this? Am I gonna have to get 4 extras so I can fill them up with the hose up there the night before and let them sit overnight like I've read is the best to do? Does all water have enough chlorine in it to warrant sitting overnight, or is there something I can put in it to condition the tap water so that I can just empty the old ones and fill em right back up?

My tap water tests at about 230 ppm out of the tap.

Any help or suggestions of a better way to do this is greatly appreciated... thanks!