Water/ice hash from male leaf


Well-Known Member
I got a bunch of leaf from some male plants. Just wondering if there's any point in making some hash with it ? Also if I do should I throw the balls in too ?

is it frosty? if not then no, i never let my male mature to the point where they would be frosty enough to make it worth while. not to mention i never keep that many i kill them as a better one comes around. and ive only seen one dude with a really frosty male, that was just a freak of nature. lol that would hae been worth hashing.
I suggest looking at it with a microscope, to tell what your extraction potential is.

Don't have a microscope yet :( It's definitely on the to buy list along with a lot of other things like some good hash bags. I just have one screen ~80 micron and past in thru that. Probably won't get anything worthwhile but I'll give it a try.
Yeah I seen a cheap 100x handheld from thinkgeek as well. I live in Oz tho so no RS here & about 4weeks shipping from US :(