water level dwc

Shoul the water in the bucket stay full. Like add water daily or ever other or let it go low till you change the water or keep full or somewhat full. 2nd thing how important is it for plant support have some buds bending pritty far over but still gets ample light. Shoud I tie her up??:fire::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Some pics would help out. As far as the water level. Put the water level about 1/4 inch up on the pots until the roots hit the water. Then lower it to 1/2-2 inches below the net pots. You may have to top feed for a couple days to get the roots established.
Well got roots I am kinda far in flower and in like 4 DAYS the water level was just above the air stone wich is like a half inch tall maybe. and sorry about thepics im on my phone no pc ill work on a upload pic!


Well-Known Member
Well that seems extremely low. If you are in flowering then you should know about water level you should be at. But about 2 inches below net pots. Not an inch above air stones