Water lvls Net Pot Question! Video Question!


Active Member
I use the large nets as well in 5 gals (6 bucket system) but I top drip feed and have an overflow line running off at the same level as the bottom of the net pot. That way, my plants still get fed and the roots have somewhere to go. I have air stones in the bottom and in my res. I would suggest raising the water level to the bottom of where the roots are, then lower as they grow.


Well-Known Member
If you want to continue you using a netpot of that size you are most likely going to need to use a drip system in order to feed the roots in the hydroton. By having the water level that high into the netpot you're going to end up starving the roots of O2. the water should not be touching or if it is just barley touching the netpot.

Also, pH of the water
nutrients being used?
ppm of solution?


Well-Known Member
Violent smoker: As I see it, you have two options: one, is to get a smaller net pot and raise the nutrient level and the other is to just raise the nutreint level until the roots reach your present level. Capillary action of the aereated nutes will bring the nutes up to the roots and the distance will encourage the roots to grow down to the nutes. But everything else will have to be perfect; pH, temperature, lighting, etc.

A top drip line like Danhoe417 suggested until your roots reach the nutes would probably be the fastest and easiest fix. You can pick up a cheap fountain pump at The Home Depot for about $20 and that should do it for you. You might want to see what you local hydro store has to offer.

You camera moved around a lot, but it looked like the new growth was coming in okay. You may be dealing with nothing more than transplant shock. Try a dose of B-1 while you're at it. HSA