water pump and sprayer question


Active Member
Ive got a 1257gph water pump and i need to know how many sprayers it will be able to have a sufficient amount of presser into the lines to make it function properly.

I dont know exactly what comes into factor but ill have it going threw a small, probably 1/4, 1/2 or 1 inch pvc pipe then from there the really thin spag. tubing with the prayers at the end.

my pump will be approx. 1.5 ft lower than the actual plants will be. im trying to get atleast 50 spayers or more off of 1 1257 gph pump... is that possible and if so whats the best way to go about this.

Ive tried to look up any info on this and i always seem to run into a dead end so if anyone could shine as much or as little (as a link to somewhere) it would be so very much appreciated. Thanks

Ohh and if i need to take different elements into factor let me know.


New Member
Ha, ha you a funny guy.

Look at the data on the pump. It should say what the maximum pumping height is. Youmight half to go to the pump manafacturers web site to obtain that info. Divide this number by approx 1.7. This will give you the approx maximum pump operating pressure. What this will show is that the typical aquarium or fountain pump sis flow biased not pressure biased. That means they buiild it to pump a large amount of water rather than a high prssure. This will mean that your pump will likely only pump at around 2 to 4 psi. Even the sad low pressure sprayers used by many growers t requires 15 psi of pressure to spra properly. At lower pressures you will get trickling streams of water not a fine overall spray as per design. The cheap sprayers are said to deliver 10 to 15 gph, but that is at 15 to 25 psi. 50 sprayers at 12 gph = 612 gph. Your pump can handle that but your spray will be pretty sad. Butit would be sad at 5 sprayers or 50 as it is very likely a low pressure pump.

Consider buying an Iwaki MD-70RZT pump instead. It will deliver abiut 680 gallons of water at 1.5 feet with a presure of about 40 psi. This would allow you to use misters such as this (they supply a properly sized water droplet for aero and cloning) instead of lame low pressure sprayers: http://www.dripirrigation.com/index.php?cPath=43&sort=2a&page=3

The pump is available on eBay for $107.99: http://cgi.ebay.com/IWAKI-MAGNETIC-DRIVE-PUMP-MD-70RLZ-WATER-PUMP-3-4-MPT-/120548855376?cmd=ViewItem&pt=BI_Pumps&hash=item1c11458e50