Water Treatment newbie question


I want to make sure my water is filtered correctly for my aeroponic system and have a few questions. I have not tested my water yet as I am waiting on my testing devices but realize i need some sort of water solution to get the chlorine and fluoride out of the water. looking at various sites i see a lot of options for reverse osmosis system and such that are pricey, but i am looking for a cheap, effective solution that will hook to my garden hose. Could someone point me in the right direction or let me know what i should look for that the filter will clean from the water. thanks to all you take time to reply!!


Is it true I can simply take my tap water and let it sit at room temperature for 3 or more days and it will take out the additives from the water?
Is it true I can simply take my tap water and let it sit at room temperature for 3 or more days and it will take out the additives from the water?
I've read this too, in numerous places. Ive always worried about using water thats just been sittin out tho, yknow?


New Member
Flouride will not leave the water no matter how long you wait. Chlorine will leave the water within 24 hours. Chloroamine will take 10 to 14 days and leave the ammonia behind in the water after the chlotine leaves. Here is a great place to buy quality RO filters at a good price. Their quality is much higher than the lame filters sold by the pure water club or what ever lame name they are using now. These guys will answer your any question and set you up with what ever you need with out selling you cr*p you don't need. They always answer all questions by email or phone regardless of the time or day.