

Well-Known Member
Filter your tap water with a brita water jug and then set your PH as the filtering lowers the PH. Never use the hot water tap.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the quality of your local water supply, ask at the local garden center,they should know, just tell them you are growing african violets...


Active Member
Why even waste your time with tap water? You can get a 5 gallon jug and go to the water store and pay $1.25 to fill it. No pH required, t.d.s. are 0. No risk of killing your plant because you got lazy or screwed up adjusting the pH. A little effort goes a long way.


Well-Known Member
a water store? the hell is that? we don't have any of those around here. and my water costs 60 cents a gallon here! I've been using tap water (room temperature) all thru my growing stage. I don't own a ph meter and am currently in my 40th day of flowering 4 lovely ladies just fine, all with no special equipment just MG soil 6, 40w COOL WHITE tubed flourescents and a lamp timer from home depot
So, to each their poisons (in a manner of speaking. lol)


New Member
it's too expensive to buy bottled water. also, i dont know if it's possible to be responsible enough everyday to let watter sit for 1 whole day. unless you have a huge operation or youre planning to make a career outta selling bud, id just use normal water. im a first timer and my plant is doing fine w. regular water. when you upgrade to super dank bud or have gone thru the experience once, then you can think about pH levels and the type of water. id personally concentrate on the intervals of light you use.


Active Member
That sucks. I have to buy RO water for my reef tank so i fill 8, 5 gallon water bottles. They have water stores everywhere in my area. I used to get water delivered but it was too expensive now i just fill them myself. You should leave out you tap water for a day anyway, let all the chlorine and metals disipate. pH is very important for marijuana plants, so be careful if using tap water. For me it is so much easier and takes all the guess work out of watering (except how much) imo if you can use RO water it will make a big difference, and your buds will thank you.


Well-Known Member
-----guess I am lucky..? I have a bathroom that I keep a couple of full fives in with air pumps going all the time. The water pH's out great and I have a potting/mom room now too........ to think of all the water I used to buy...................trips to the store just for that..........