Watering issue

I haven choice but to leave town for 10 days. My single plant is a couple weeks into flowering and doing great. Two questions:

1) I'm using a CFL and this plant us still stretching. Would it be ok to raise the light about 10 inches off the top of the plant while I'm gone? Will that harm the plant beyond repair?

2) does anyone have any tips for handling the watering issue while I'm gone for those ten days?

No one knows about this plant and no one will. Has anyone used any devices to water their plant while hone for several days?


Well-Known Member
I'd LST it while you are gone and keep the light about 5 or 6 inches off the top of the bent plant. You can always untie it when you get back. It will take a couple of days for it to figure out what is what. You are probably early enough into flower that it won't matter. I'd only LST it to a right angle, no more.

Get someone else? LOL? Right...

Here's what I'd do. For a 10 day watering get yourself a couple of 1/2 gallon plastic jugs like milk or liter bottles like Coke comes in. Fill them with water and put the top back on. Get them close to your plants, punch two holes in the bottom of the jug. Turn it over and set it firmly on the soil. The water will slowly leech out over your 10 days. If your plant is large enough, do the same thing with the second jug.

Alternatively, you can just punch the holes in the lid and set it in upside down, but you'd need a method of supporting the jug.