watering my babies with WELL water


Active Member
hi all,

my ? is i have well water at home, is it bad to give to my babies that are two n half weeks old? i have been buying purified mineral water instead. but i really dont wanna keep spending money on water when the well water i have at home is so clean n great tasting..

what do ya'll think bout that???

any comments would be greatly appreciated.. thankx in advance 4 ur help..:mrgreen:


Active Member
should be fine...man in fact good for the plants with all the natural minerals
thankx for the input.. ppl say so many different things bout well water, like it has too much iron in it or other shit.. well i drink it and im fine so are my children. i water my houseplants with it n there fine too. i dont get it. i guess every1 has there own opinion bout things..


Well-Known Member
The problem with well water is all those dissolved minerals give your water a high PPM, which could be raised with more macro-nutrients instead.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a huge fan of my tap water, so I've been watering my seedlings with water out of the Brita pitcher (one of those filtering thingies).

PPM means parts per million... I don't see what's wrong with that unless it's a parts per million of something you don't want in your water, like lead or copper. You could always have the water tested to see what's in it. If you're in the US, your local health department may test your well water for free.
Personally I think well water would be 10 times better than tap water. I don't have much faith in bottled water because it's usually in worse condition than tap water especially the big Jugs processed in your state because they don't have as strict of codes to abide by than the bottle water that transports over state lines. I saw something on Showtime's Bullshit about bottled water.

I use tap water and let it sit for a day. I also have a rain barrel outside and have used that. I'm think the rainbarrel may be the best because what can be better than natural rain?


Well-Known Member
it all depends...If your water tastes ok, it should be fine to give to your plants. If your growing in soil I wouldn't worry about ppm too much. Might want to check your pH if anything. Should be around 6.2 in dirt and 5.8 in hydro. Hydro's a little different because your controlling every aspect of your water and its better to start with nothing in it so you know exactly whats inside your res. Its a weed. water it, feed it, and watch it grow. Its actually much easier than it sounds. People tend to overthink, and to overdo. That's when you hurt your plants.


Active Member
I have used well water in a recirculating hydro system without problems. You have to pay attention to your ppm that's about it.


Active Member
thanks to all u guys...i needed that.. some of you agree with well water n some dont.. but i figure i give my regular houseplants it n they are just fine..i just dont wanna spend a ton on money on water when i get it free @ home. ya'll feel me..loll.