Watering my one week old seedlings

I have four fem seeds about a week old I'm growing in fox farm soil and right now the seedlings are in solo cups for now. I let the soil dry and now I'm worried about watering. I haven't watered again the only thing I've been doing is spraying water to damp the top of the surface. Is this good or should I use my watering can
PapaGeorge oh, you're doing the right thing. I ceilings they need just very little water. As they continue to grow on their second and third node you want to make sure to up your watering and star lightly feeding to accommodate for more root growth. At that point what I usually do is have a solo cup with a same type of medium without water to compare your cups that have a plant in it. If you Google wet dry cycle for cannabis you get a better idea as to what I'm talking about. Cheers! -G.I.JOSE
You are on the right track! See way too many people watering everyday, twice a day, etc. Great job being patient!

Transplant them next week into a 3 or 5 gallon grow bag. Soak the new soil & solo cup prior to transplanting. It will make it so much easier and you wont stress the plant at all. Cut the sides of the solo cup with some scissors and you can transplant in minutes! Be patient just like you are being now and soak the soil, get some runoff, wait a week, repeat. The pot will tell you when its time to water by the weight.
1 week from seed? They barely need any water. Be careful not to overwater. You don't need to soak the entire medium or water till runoff.