Watering options


Active Member
Leaving my indoor plants for a week and generally water every two days to three days. I use spring water, my tap water ph to high.
What would be the easiest options to cover them for a week.
I and many others went with a Blumat Tropf setup, though it takes a bit of lead time and finesse to get it set up. You can get a cheap pump/timer drip system as well...lots of those around though I can't speak to them directly.
If you just need a quick fix you can find automatic watering systems on Amazon pretty cheap. Might cost more for expedited shipping charges. I got a cheap one for around $25 and I ended up keeping it because it's a ton easier compared to hand watering.
I’ve been running 3/4 inch tubing off a water pump and using 1/4 inch barbed T’s drilled into it. Run drip lines off the T’s
I did try drip off my house water here in Florida. Chlorine up and ph was 7.8. To much treatment.
Tried an iv drip bag, not consistent.
So the threaded bottle deal will have to work.
Thanks all