Watering Question


Active Member
My seedling is about 2 in. tall and I have been watering it everyday. My question is the past few times i went to water it the soil was already moist and saturated. Is the soil is still moist should I water it again anyway.
Thanks or the help.


Active Member
if the soil at the bottom of your container is still wet then no you need to wait to water. as long as 2/3 of the soil is wet then you're still good


Well-Known Member
yeah I would also say to try to get a feel for the weight when they are watered and when they are not watered. Thats what I did before I got a moisture meter. Also if the top is still moist then no need to water.

Also I came up with a good cheap moisture indicator for your soil. Buy some wooden shish kabob stakes(sorry for spelling) and poke it into the soil

the wood will come back wet if it is moist or remain dry if the soil is dry. Make sense? Ok welll I hope this all helps. I have like 38 seedlings right now. they are about the same size as yours. How are you watering and what are you using as far as water? Example tap or bottled? I use purified bottled water and I spray my soil with a spray bottle set to mist........

good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
ok my friend I have replied. I am cleaning up my grow room and sanitizing it. I will post some pics later today.


Well-Known Member
well you dont want to drown your babies by over watering them too frequently..................


Well-Known Member
your overdrown the roots starving them of oxygen. the worst thing to do is to overwater when young. it stresses em out. you'll eventually get the jist of it by the dry weight and the wet weight of the pot!