Yeah it can run-off, but what's more important is that the media is evenly and thoroughly wet. Some media when it dries out becomes hydrophobic and repels the water. In such a case the water flows over the surface then down the sides of the pot and straight out the holes without a drop reaching the center of the pot. If you haven't bone dried it out, that effect is not likely to be too pronounced for you, but when you water your goal is to make it all wet all the way though. As for it taking longer to dry out because the plant is small- that's a good thing because you can water less often (but soak when you do). Don't confuse that with having a bad draining soggy media though, i'm only talking about good media that is slow to dry because of plant size.
As a side note, if you ever end up with a hydrophobic pot plant, pop it inside a bucked and then water it down from the top. The water will go straight out the bottom and if it's really bad- the pot will actually float. Just hold it down and water it until the pot is mostly under water inside the buckets and then let it sit until it stops bubbling and it's wet all the way through.