watering setup


Active Member

doing my first hydro grow, have a question.

Im using a drip system with a 130gph pump on a 6 - way sprinkler splitter and tubes running to the net pots and ive had them dripping 24/7. Recently i read ( due to thinking that it shouldnt be on all the time) about the roots pulling oxygen when the media drys. should i put the pump on a timer? and if so whats a good amount of time to start at?


Illegal Smile

A repost from another thread:

Unless your drip is a sophisticated one that can control flow precisely, you sort of have to calibrate it yourself. Load one of your netpots with hydroton and rockwool (or whatever, but no seed and start a drip on it. You want it damp but not wet and you have to develop a feel for that so you can tell - it's a little wetter or or it's dried since the last check. Then monitor it over a day or so. How wet is it right after being watered? How dry does it get in between? I would do this lights on to simulate actual grow conditions.

Now you know whether it is too wet. If you can control the drip, slow it up. Increase the intervals between watering, shorten the water flow times. You may get the cube overwatered and have to replace it rather than wait for it to dry to continue the test. But eventually you will get it dialed in so the cube is wet enough and not to wet. I'd suggest starting with about 2 min of drip every 6 hrs and go from there.

Much better you are doing this before there is a germed seed to worry about!


Active Member
thanks thats what i was looking or. I actually alrdy have some little plants started.

sounds pretty good the time intervals described but i can only think of a timer with 2 settings to go on/off twice a day to water but 6 hours in between would need 3 seperate "on" times.

any suggestions for this?