Watering wand/rod connectors?


Well-Known Member
Hey there fellow companions!

Stepping up my hand watering game. Time for a watering wand connected to a submersible pump.

Cheap watering wand (or similar):

For the tubing, I see most need 16mm hose.

1. Which connector(s) will I need for this setup??
2. Can I connect the tube, directly from the wand to the pump? (I haven't choose a pump yet, so, no idea if standard outlet size is the 16mm)
Or better I have some kind of connector in any of the ends? Or both?

Still learning about all this! And local stores doesn't have much choice. I'll have to order somewhere else.

My submersible pump just attaches to a normal garden hose, most decent pumps will come with a fitting for garden hose so you don’t need anything extra but a wand and whatever length hose you need.

I’m using a 1/4 hp superior pump off Amazon that was under $50 and I’ve been using it for almost 4 years now with no issues.
I now use it as a pump for my drip system that feeds my plants 3-5x a day but its plenty powerful to pump through a 100ft garden hose with adequat pressure
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My best advice is get the stuff you want to use, such as the pump that you think will power that wand, and so on, then go to ace hardware if you have something like that and go in there with what you're trying to connect, and make sure all the threads all match up.

Most likely you are looking for garden hose adapters , or garden hose to PVC adapters
Definitely just get a pump with an attachment for a garden hose. Get a decent wand or they always end up leaking out a little bit in places as you water. I have a pump in a garbage can with a hose and wand attached to water my plants. Makes it easy for sure.
The smaller submersible water pumps (used in rdwc setups or fish tanks) are usually harder to get a water hose adapter for. (You can but they're a pain to find).

The easiest option is to get a decent sub pump that has a garden hose adapter.

You can search on Amazon for "submersible pump with garden hose adapter". Or simply go to your local hardware store and ask someone to help you pick one out.

Life is so much easier with automated watering!
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Nothing suspicious about building a plant feeding system asked for help at local supply store
Yeah but you could just say it's for a water fountain or an outdoor fish aquarium

On that thought maybe a pet store would have the right stuff, if it's safe for fish it should be safe for plants
Yeah, nothing suspicious about it. I would have no problem on that. But we don't have many local supply stores, and they're usually pricey.
Also, I don't think there's much innovation and latest products around here.

But I will look into this "garden hose adapter", I think that was what I was looking for. I will only need one of these right?

About the pump, I don't believe I need much pressure, a guy on YouTube did with a 1000L/h(265gph), which is a fish tank pump.

But yeah, I was trying to find the size of their outlet, and there's no info on it! So I guess I should go for a trash pump for fitting easiness, and probably build quality. Would also not clog as easy. Although it's a bit overkill.

Thanks guys!
I just picked up this bad boy... on sale from 99CAD to 65CAD + another $5 off coupon. (Extended 2 year warranty is $5 too so you could get that for "Free").

It already has a GHT adapter. It's 1500gph. (My old 1000gph and a 30gal Rez was more than enough for a 70 plant pheno hunt... this should be perfect.)


^we're allowed to post links right?

edit: the fitting it comes with is a 3/4, so make sure you get a 3/4" water hose. :)
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Hey everyone!

I bought my setup and is working well, however it seems to have low pressure.

I'm thinking it should be the pump. But there's a guy on YouTube which did it with a 265gph fish tank pump. I got a 400gph pump.

It's connected through a 5m(16feet) long, 10mm(0.39") inner hose. Elevation is only from ground to my waist.

What do you guys think? Shouldn't this pump be enough?
Can you raise the res up a bit higher to compensate some? I'm guessing the multi select nozzle jets on the wand are the main bottlenecks restricting the flow. You might need a diaphragm pump & possibly a regulator, which operate at much higher pressures. Just like those wands are likely designed for. Normal household pressures, even though a beefier submersable or sprinkler pump would probably work.

You can't really use impeller\magdrive pumps while cutting off the flow in anyway, like releasing the trigger on it does.. It will just keep spinning and heat up from cavitation. Probably clicking too when you let off right? You can't go much over the max head height before they really start dropping off in pressure, with the fixed flow/submersibles anyway..

Some high pressure diaphragm & RV style (usually 12v) pumps can turn on as soon as you pull the trigger and release pressure. They'll put out 50+ psi or more, which sounds better IMO. I wouldn't say overkill, but it will def work good having 10-20-50x the psi ;)
if you are worried about the pump impeller heating up when you stop, make a tee off the line out of the pump with a smaller outlet to circulate in the rez. I always did this, you can add a valve to that to adjust it the flow back so as not to stress the pump