Watering with Clones


Well-Known Member
Gro gurus....

A lot of new threads on watering, including the one in which I almost destroyed my grow with overwatering... :( Doing better now though.

So, to the topic of the thread. I have my clones under 24/7 and they are doing good. They are in a humidity dome and I mist them a couple of times a day an the soil which they are in stays wet all the time. If they were adult plants, they would already be dead from too much water.

How much water should new clones be given? Should they be in standing water? Should I let the medium dry from time to time?

I know once they root to care for them as usual, but all advise until then is welcome.




Well-Known Member
If there is water in the bottom of the tray they are in drain it. You are trying to get roots to develop. If the plant doesn't have to stretch out a root it might not. If its that wet it can suffocate.


Well-Known Member
Any more thoughts on this thread. I keep them wet and they are doing well. They have been in the humidity dome for about a week. How long show I keep them there and when should I start treating them like regular plants?


Well-Known Member
I believe clones are rooted after a max of 2 weeks. correct me if im wrong someone if so I need to know anyway.