
I've recently noticed I had been overwatering so I stopped watering until the symptoms left. Now they look healthier and are not drooping but now I'm wondering if I should water if they look fine without it. I haven't watered in 10 days... Is this weird? I have 3 gal smart pots using coco with perlite and was watering with a full 4 gal split between 6 pots.


Active Member
they look good no watering for days on end isnt bad start a scedule of when your watering twice a week is good maybe even less depending on your plant be pateint and learn to read your leaves they will tell you


Well-Known Member
Use you senses. Water untill you get a little run off from the bottom of the pots and try and get in to some kind of watering schedule.


Well-Known Member
I would wait until the lower leaves droop a little before I water again. I mean remember it's a weed that's used to retaining water in itself.