wavy leaves. is this normal?


Active Member
this is my first grow. i just transplanted her from a 1gal to a 35 gal but she was doing this before i transplanted her. what shes doing is on two of her leaves, on the edges, they are wavy. you can see in the pic that the leaf closest to the camera is wavy on the left side. can anyone tell me whats going on? maybe im doing something wrong or is this normal or what? thanks for the feedbackbongsmilie


Active Member
sry now i cant put pics on this post. ill post another one same title with the pic give me 30 sec


Active Member
you have to splash lemon juice on the screen to see it, it's invisible right now
Thanks alot! I can totally see his nutrient deficiency now! And such a tiny plant for half an oil barrel, too! 35 Gal?!?!?!!!11ONE1!! That's a-lotta herb!!!

OP: Based off your info, first get some Ph and EC testing gear and make sure your run-off is in-between 5.5 and 6.2 Ph and around 1100 EC. It sounds like you have a nute deficiency somewhere. You also need to back your pot down to a 3 gallon and let the root ball stay tight (dense nugs) until you need a 5 gallon pot, and only if you need it. For every 1 ft of plant growth you should have 1 gallon of pot, i.e. 3ft tall plant = 3gal pot.


Active Member
There ya go! Ya, it looks like a nute deficiency. Gimme some info on what you are using for soil and nutes and I can further help your situation, Sir!


Active Member
The reason I decided to transplant her into such a big pot was only because I was thinking about all the people who transplant their plants (my size too) and just put them right into the ground. And I have seen their plant come harvest time and they do have dense buds and lots of them.


Active Member
Since I just transplanted here I havent been using anything but just plain H2O. I transplanted her yesterday so she will receive her food tommorrow evening. I've always been told to wait a couple days after transplanting to use nutrients. But what I will be using is called Terra Vega made by CANNA the N:P:K ratio is 2-1-3 I believe. Also since in her beginning stage she was having trouble with the sun being too hot (I live in Northern Cali) I purchased some Silica Blast. As far as soil I'm using a Royal Gold mix named Basement which is a coco fiber based soil-less grow medium. And the ingredients include: coco fiber, Humboldt forest humus, compost, perlite, lava rock, earthworm castings, fish bone meal, feather meal, bt guano, seabird guano, kelp meal, oyster shell, silica, alfalfa meal, and coco chips.


Active Member
I didn't know you were outdoor. If you are doing outdoor, let Mother Nature do her thing. The more room you giver her, the better she treats you. Your pot should be fine.. As for nutes, without an EC or Ph number I got nuthin. Is there any kind of rating on the Basement Gold Mix? It sounds somethin' proper, but it could be too little or too much right now. I don't know without numbers, though. Judging by the size of your girl, it could be a little too much.

How often are you watering?


Active Member
EC: 0.9-1.6 mS/cm (=EC of the nutrient mix) Do I need to go out and buy something to check my pH? What kind of rating would I be looking for on the Basement (Royal Gold)? And I am watering at this point usually once a day once the soil is dry like I said I live in a really hot climate....so her soil is usally pretty dry come the evening.


Active Member
If you can stick your finger in the dirt 2 iniches and it's dry then you need to water. I'm looking for an EC/PPM rating of 1100 from your water run-off. My math is too fuzzy to do the conversion from your numbers. Having something to check your Ph will do your plant wonders! You are looking for a N-P-K rating on the bag.