wax vaporize?

Mr Miyagi

so i went on fc and someone asked the same question, but the thred sucks..it basically is just a bunch of people talking about carts n vape pens and which ones suk n then a bunch of other crap...i dont think anyone really answered the ops ?....at least i didnt read into it enough apparently..

sooooo...is anyone currently using a non-pen-style personal vape, but like a volcano or life saver or whatever...something like that? a whip or a bag i dont care....

or if anyone can just chime in on what they have found to be the absolute smoothest way to smoke wax other than a nail or vape pen...
i am just trying to find what is a great method thats less harsh...obviously this is what everyones looking for..so like percolators??stuff like that?? whats bad ass? whats super smooth..??
i have some money to invest, whats the consensus....i smoke a lota budders waxes shatter amber etc.....not as many flowers or bubble

eres a lil c4 gold flake wax


    51.5 KB · Views: 11
I haven't found anything that beats a nail (or curve). I've got an Extreme Q vape and an Omicron pen... but neither will produce the thick gratifying hits that a nail (or curve) can produce. I'm not knocking my vape or pen, they just aren't as gratifying.

When I occasionally do oil in my vape, I have to sandwich the oil between layers of flower or it will gum up my vape. Also I've found that oil needs higher heat to vape well, so I'll end up connecting my Extreme Q to a bubbler and cranking up the heat on the vape to get a good hit..... it's all just too much trouble when I can just break out the nail.

Several months ago, I started thinking about the idea of integrating a HealthStone pad into my vape so I could do pure oil... Maybe it's time to start that experiment up again. :)
shit...i dunno..just like smoking harsh....not like harsh like nasty, my shits all vacd....but just in general to make it as smooth as poss....i hear the volcano con pad doesnt work that well?

one that looked kinda promising was the life saver?? by 7th level i think..or 7th floor..? it seems to have a cup rather than something the stuff can drip through and ruin..??
Anyone try one of these??

they do sell a little ceramic stone thingy that looks just like the h stone except half the height...they also come in white n dark colors which i thought was interesting..
seems like that would work no? if you dont put a hugeeeee dab, have it on a stone and vape it?

also what if i just wanted to get glass,
what would be the max filter/diffuer method?

like an expensive diffuser ash catcher on a piece that is a multi arm diffuser or in line with percolated body? then an ice trap in the top?

that seems like it would be pretty good no? im just not totally familiar with ALL of the new glass products available....does what i said even make sense? is that piece even possible to put together?

prob b hella expensive tho eh? where would i go to get THAT kinda piece? aqualab? hitman? illadelphia? highpriority?...they all have dope shit, but what do yall suggest?

many tanx

pic is my answer to all the amber sculptures people shoot pix of....lol..it is about a zip of insanely yummy pineapple express top shelf mixed with a bunch of bomb blue dream kief...was almost gonna enter this batch in the cup, but then opted for the king louis wax..


    45 KB · Views: 14
The thing to consider if you go all glass is that the more filtering, diffusion, catchers, etc that you add the more resistance and drag you'll get. It's basically a situation of diminishing returns. To get the ultimate cool filtered hit you'd need lungs like a hoover vacuum to draw the hit :)

After trying several different solutions, I've settled on a nice Sheldon Black bubbler that I can use for Hash, Oil, or vapebonging. If I blend some ice and water into a snowy slush and use that in my bubbler, the hits are super cool and tasty... not harsh at all.

It's nothing fancy, but it works great, it's versatile, easy to clean, and I use it everyday:

Sheldon Black Bubbler. Extreme Q Vape. Van Tran Oil dome and Van Tran concentrate bowl.

If I get ambitious and decide to experiment with the HeathStone pads, I'll be sure to post my results.