Way back, one of my first highs


around when i first started smoking, i was hanging out with my girlfriend at the time, and a couple other people. we went up into my gf's room to blaze outta her hooka. I was like 13 or 14 at the time. The bowl pack on the hookah fit about 3 grams in it and we filled it twice. Im pretty sure it was mids (medium grade bud) shortly after smoking, i was sitting on my gf's bed and i felt like i was in the middle of the ocean just floating there, for a good 15 minutes straight, they were like wtf are you on dude. i had no idea why i felt this way off weed. Then her mom calls us downstairs to watch tv and smoke another bowl of her bomb ass dope. before we even started smoked my gf came to sit on my lap and i kinda fell backwards while sitting on the couch, i was scared for some reason. then suddenly i felt like i was falling backwards off a cliff, and i started bawling my eyes out like a little bitch, my shirt was soaked with tears.

Sorry if my story seemed a little run on, and shit im pretty high, and its 2AM so i cant really type well.

I just thought i would share this fucked up story with everyone here on rollitup.


Well-Known Member
lol..man when i first started smokin that was the best high!! now i dont even get like that..i jus move slower and react slower thats how i kno im high..i know the feeling tho..ive gotten so high one time could close my eyes and feel like the whole world was moving..i would have 2 lay down for like 5 minutes..sometimes i was so high i felt bad! like when is this shit gonna go away..im pretty sure i could get like that again but i would have 2 roll like 2.5 grams of some dank in one blunt ..and have a sip of some liquor


The first time you get high, it is a very unique experience. One don't know what it means to get high, so there is a lot of nervous anticipation and curiosity.

As one get used to it, it all feel the same.
The first time you get high, it is a very unique experience. One don't know what it means to get high, so there is a lot of nervous anticipation and curiosity.

As one get used to it, it all feel the same.
Basically..My first time smoking i was so nervous i almost swallowed the joint.


Well-Known Member
First time I smoked, I didnt get high; kinda wierd. Second time though I didnt fuck around, took a huge bong hit and I was flying. That was, god, 15 years ago? Crazy how you always remember your first time

Doobie Doober

Active Member
you can lace pot with coke but when you smoke it, it would vaporize the coke with no smoke so you wouldnt get high off the coke, so you where prbably smoking some dank ass weed


Active Member
you can lace pot with coke but when you smoke it, it would vaporize the coke with no smoke so you wouldnt get high off the coke, so you where prbably smoking some dank ass weed
actually some people sell high quality weed laced with coke and call it chronic. it doesn't give you a coke high; it just intensifies the weed high by about 20 times. my friends did it but i refused(call me pussy if you want; i'm not smoking coke weed.)

three of my friends smoked a g and a half of it and were fucked up the rest of the day. i just stuck with my headies :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
lol the falling/crying thing was probably because you were too baked/unexperienced

You felt very strong emotions, hence the crying, and you were disoriented from the bud which is why you felt like you were falling.


Active Member
when i first started smoking, i'd lay on my bed, close my eyes, and picture myself on the bed in the middle of the ocean. it seemed so real.


Well-Known Member
I remember back when I first started we seriously had this smoking ritual for special smoking occasions called 'the cliff thing' and what it is, is pretty much, one person lays on the ground face first (For the 10 minutes before this, you are using to convince the person that you aren't going to hurt them lol), and then you take the person who is laying downs, arms, and tell them to relax completely.. just everything, just relax.. just tell them to be a dead weight and relax completely like everything, no flexing or anything at all.. Its kinda a trust thing.. Seriously don't hurt them.. And then take their arms and slowly let them down and lower them towards the ground(It happens no matter what, don't tell them to close their eyes unless they can't concentrate, because whenever I didn't close my eyes, my vision seriously went away and I couldn't tell if they were opened or closed) And while you are lowering them keep a nice monotone voice and tell them that they are running through a forest, it helps if you explain the details of the forest, like how it smells like whatever your room smells like ;) Like if your room smells like pop corn, say like "And the forest mysteriously smells like pop corn, but the relaxing type of popcorn, the type you eat and listen to mazart with." or something like taht.. and just ell them about their surroundings and let them run through the forest, it helps take longer if you stop dropping them and just pull on their arms a little, and then just be like "Wope uh oh! theres a rock in front of you! now your jumping over the rock! AHHHHHHHHHH OH NO, that rock was a cliff!!! AND YOUR FALLING OFF A CLIFF AHH ITS FASTER AND FASTER AND FASTER(As your voice gets louder and more intense), and then after awhile, try to drag it out as long as possible, but after awhile let them down and be like SPLAT!" And then just watch them lay there in amazement.. It still works for us, we do it on those extra special nights lol Plus, just doing it makes you kinda feel what they are feeling in your arms.. It really is intense and trippy. The first time I did it I cried, it was the first time ever high.. Lol I didn't mean too but tears just broke out.. Just try it, its fun! Don't tell them what is coming though! the surprise is what made it the most intense for me.. It boosts your high up too!


Well-Known Member
God damn, those first few times really were magical lol I sound gay, but seriously. Nothing can even describe it, its like your meditating while you awake, its just the bees knees


Well-Known Member
The FIRST time I smoked I didn't get high.. Now the 2nd time I smoked.. Me and a friend smoked out of a home maid water bong and I was soooo ripped, I remember throwing grass in my friends face saying that I thought of him as grass! And I remember laughing for hours because I was thinking about giraffes and elephants rubbing their heads together, and I saw it in my minds eye as like a sketched out, outlines of the animals while he was playing his guitar, and I remember saying THIS IS LIKE A DREAM!!!! HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAAHAHAAH LETS GO TO DQ!!!!!! Then we went to dq and bought chicken strips, as my friend harry dragged me behind everything in the restaurant where nobody could see us, (as I was busting my ass off saying AHH HARRIES GONNA RAPE ME AHHH!!!) and did the cliff thing ;)